Thursday, March 10, 2022

Magnesium germanite can be the key to a new type of quantum computer.

"Working with magnesium germanate, Mg2GeO4, analogous to one of the mantle’s most abundant silicate minerals. The team was able to glean information about the potential mineralogy of super-Earths and other large, rocky exoplanets". 

"Under about 2 million times normal atmospheric pressure a new phase emerged with a distinct crystalline structure that involves one germanium bonded with eight oxygens. The new eight-coordinated intrinsically discorded mineral. Is expected to strongly affect". 

"The internal temperature and dynamics of these planets. Credit: Illustration is courtesy of Rajkrishna Dutta (Scitech Daily, What’s Happening in the Depths of Distant Worlds? Physics and Chemistry Fundamental to the Existence of Life)". 

Sometimes, when I see this kind of image. I noticed that these kinds of silicates are looking like neural structures.

So, could it be possible that on some planet, magnesium silicate forms quantum computers spontaneously? The structure of magnesium silicate is similar to a neural network. But is it possible that this kind of mineral would someday use in portable lightweight quantum-neural computers? 

The magnesium germanite is one of the molecules that can someday form the new type of quantum computers. Quantum computers can operate at room temperature but it requires extremely stable conditions. The idea is that the magnesium and germanium atoms can stress by electromagnetic radiation. 

Electromagnetic radiation can use to stress those atoms separately. So that kind of system can have two data handling lines or qubit lines. The idea is that those systems can make the error handling by driving the same algorithm separately. And if they get the same answer the answer is right. Magnesium germanite can use to create small-size quantum computers. 

The solid and compact quantum processors might not be as powerful as some computer centers. In that case, we must remember that our mobile devices and laptop computers are not so powerful as some central computers. So even in the quantum computing world, the different computers must not do the same things. The lightweight systems must not have the same capacity as factory-sized systems. 

But they are more powerful than most binary computers. The magnesium germanite can be cut into small 2D plates. But if that structure is 3D. It can use to make the quantum neural system that can have many internal data handling lines. 

The new research about underground lifeforms is going on.

When we are looking for alien lifeforms, we should first describe the term "lifeforms". Would the thing get the lifeform status because it can make descendants? Is the self-replicating molecule the thing that we can call a lifeform? Or could the lifeform be the crystal controlled by the DNA? Lifeforms like vegetables are not moving at all. Or should the lifeform interact with the environment?

There are found "ice flowers" on Mars near NASA rovers. Those things are not alien lifeforms. Ground frost forms those "flowers".

Carbon dioxide and other hydrocarbons are acting like water when the temperature rises. Those things turn to gas and cause expansion. That expansion causes the ground is starting to rise. Rising gas is decreasing temperature at the edge of sand particles. And that makes them freeze to interesting forms. 

Why are researchers researching exoplanets? And especially super-Earths. The mantle of super-earth is very thick and there is the possibility that some kind of organisms could live in the mantle of the large rocky planets. The volcanic temperature of those planets can offer the stable and safe conditions that some primitive organisms can live under the surface of the locked planet.  

The reason is that those distant rocky worlds are telling us what might be our fate. And then the data that is collected from the exoplanets can connect with data collected from Earth. The life in Earth's deep mantle is ever searched before. There is the possibility that deep in Earth are the lifeforms that can live by using volcanic temperature for energy production. 

If that kind of lifeform is found. That thing makes people rethink the origin of life. There is the possibility. That the Primordial Sea was the water vein deep underground. There were born the first procaryotes. And then some of them rise to the surface. The ability to make photosynthesis was the reason why the organisms came to the surface. 

When we are thinking about the form of the alien life. We forget one thing.  The alien life is not probably like our life at all. When we are thinking about primitive lifeforms. There is possible that those lifeforms cannot move at all. 

Silicon-based lifeform could be DNA-controlled crystals. Or it can be the ice crystals whose growth and form are controlled by the DNA. The thing is that the term "lifeform" can mean anything from some kind of little green man to some self-replicating molecules. But could the hypothetical silicon-based lifeforms some kind of computer?

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