Saturday, March 5, 2022

Hypersonic flight requires new types of materials.

Image 1) Image of what is believed to be a Chinese hypersonic aircraft. (CCTV screenshot)(

Nanotechnology is one of the most interesting things in aviation. The Chinese claim that they have hypersonic aircraft that are using plasma-ion thrusters. Plasma-ion thruster or electric jet engine is one of the most powerful engine types in the world. The idea of the system is that the air will ionize at the front of the engine. 

And then the magnetic accelerator drives it through the engine. The heat stress is very high at hypersonic flight. Friction is a very big problem in the speed of Mach 8+. There is the possibility that the aircraft's core is covered with nanotechnical rolls. Those rolls can make friction lower. But they can also be used to collect energy for electric jet engines. 

Synthetic dimensions and quantum technology can be far bigger steps for aviation than quantum technology. 

Those technologies are making it possible to create the ultimate stealth system. The idea of this system is similar to the neutron bomb. When a neutron bomb explodes the radiation will impact neutrons that are sending wave movement. The wavelength of that radiation is the same as the diameter of the neutron. But also protons and electrons are sending similar radiation if they are stressed by using electromagnetic radiation. 

The most futuristic spacecraft that was ever studied was the fusion-antimatter-powered system that looked like a saucer. There was the tokamak-type reactor around the edge of the saucer-shaped structure. And the radiation of that reactor was planned to use for creating antimatter. There was an image of that saucer in the book of inventions. But as you might know, technology was not at a high enough level at that time. 

The fusion reactor can use for pushing the quantum fields away from the spacecraft. And that thing makes it possible to create the WARP bubble around the craft. 

Another name for WARP-bubble is the synthetic dimension. There are two types of those bubbles. 

One is the traditional WARP-bubble or electromagnetic vacuum. That removes the doppler effect. Or shorts the wave movement ahead of the object. There is no wave movement in that bubble. 

Because there is no wave movement there is no Doppler effect. And nothing should limit the speed of the object. 

Another is the electron or proton cloud that is stressed with radiation. That thing makes the synthetic dimension around the object that can cause time dilation inside it. 

If we think the system is made by using graphene. That thing allows using the annihilation radiation to make the WARP bubble around that craft. But there is the possibility to deliver the antimatter around that craft. That thing makes the annihilation outside the structure that can rotate extremely fast. That fast-rotating structure can use for making the time dilation.

When the craft rotates near the speed of light in the WARP bubble. And then the bubble will be removed it causing the Cherenkov-effect. In that case, the outer edge of the craft moves a short time faster than the light. 

If annihilation happens outside the spacecraft that effect pushes the structures inside. The annihilation radiation can use to make the synthetic dimensions around the spacecraft. That thing makes those systems more capable than any other system. When we are thinking about the case that the electron cloud is stressed by electromagnetic radiation. 

That thing makes electrons send the same type of radiation with neutrons. All particles neutrons, protons, and electrons are sending radiation when they are facing radiation stress. And that radiation can make those objects invisible. Or it can cause time dilation inside that electron cloud. That means the spacecraft will surround by using a synthetic dimension that gives the pilot more time to react because the time moves slower in that "cube".

Image 1:)

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