Thursday, March 17, 2022

Could coherent gravitational waves or masers that use coherent gravitational waves be possible?

Could the wormhole be the gravitational maser-ray? Because light, microwaves, and other wave movements can amplify by using stimulated emission of radiation. Why was that thing can not to be done with gravitational waves?

Could coherent gravitational waves or gravitational laser be possible? The coherent gravitational waves are theoretically possible. All other known wave movement frequencies can turn coherent. So why not gravitational waves would have the not coherent form? If there is a gravitational wave-based laser or maser effect. There is the possibility that wormholes or Einstein-Rose bridges are coherent gravitational waves or gravitational maser rays. 

Masers and lasers are well-known systems in everyday life. Also, radio waves can turn coherent. And that thing is called coherent radio wave or radio-maser. Laser is the name of the optical maser.

And if the gravitational waves can turn coherent. There is a possibility that the wormhole is the gravitational-maser effect. Maybe that thing can solve by the James Webb telescope. If the gravitational maser that uses coherent gravitational waves is possible. That thing makes many revolutionary things possible.

The gravitational waves are proof that there is some kind of wave-movement form in gravitation. If gravitation is some kind of wave movement there is the theoretical possibility that the gravitation waves can form the gravitational Maser. Lasers are "only" masers that are operating in the optical area. 

The gravitational maser would be like regular Microwave Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. But in that hypothetical phenomenon, the gravitational waves are the thing that forms the maser-ray. So if gravitation can form similar coherent radiation with the light or microwaves that thing can explain the wormhole. 

In that way thinking the wormhole is the ray of coherent gravitational waves that are moving in space. The gravitational masers could explain why the wormholes are so hard to notice. The "cosmic neural structure" or comic web is giving a tip, that the wormholes can be possible at long distances. 

If the gravitational wave-maser or coherent gravitational waves are possible to make.  There is a possibility to create wormholes by benefiting gravitational interaction. The idea is that the gravitation is forming the string or tunnel between objects. And then the gravitational waves that are got from the small-size black holes will start to conduct to that string. When those two quantum-size black holes are orbiting that tunnel. 

They will pump gravitational waves or energy to that tunnel. Sooner or later, it will turn to the wormhole. But that requires the ability to form quantum size black holes. And of course, the maser-effect of the coherent gravitational waves must be possible.

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