Saturday, March 12, 2022

Nanotechnology can bring the cure for cancer.

The imagination is the limit in biotechnology. The tiny nanodevices are made out of DNA for treating cancer, and they can use to boost immune defense very effectively. The nanomachines can connect the genomes in immune cells that can make them create antibodies without the need to get the traditional vaccine. 

The nanomachines can also use to fix the errors in chromosomes. And that thing can remove some heritable diseases from the human race. The thing is that nanomachines can also remove certain sequences from the DNA. And that means researchers can remove violent behavior from genomes. 

The thing is that the nanomachines can create artificial DNA and connect the wanted DNA bites over species. The new nanotechnology is the thing that can use to create superhumans who are stronger, wealthier, and more intelligent than natural humans. But the synthetic DNA can use in many more things. It can use to connect the electric cells of electric eel with vegetables. 

That thing can use to make biological solar panels. That can use to make clean energy for people. Also, things like neurons can clone by using nanomachines. The idea is that the genomes of the regular cell are changed to genomes of neurons. That kind of neurons can use in research, they can use in computer technology. And those neurons can use to fix the brain damages. 

Nanotechnology can also use to create artificial, cloned stem cells. When we are thinking about the possibilities that nanotechnology is giving us in the future when people are fetuses their stem cells are stored in databases in digital form. And if someday those people will need stem cells nanomachines create that DNA and then transfer it to some other cells. That means all people can have their cell bank where is always stem cells. 

But synthetic DNA can also use in the most lethal military technology in the world. Traditional bioweapon makers could use only natural viruses and bacteria. There is the possibility to make artificial viruses and bacteria that can be used for the most lethal biological weapons in the world. The bacteria can use as a virus factory. Artificial viruses can be a real nightmare. By connecting corona and filoviruses researchers can create the worst biological weapons in history.


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