Friday, March 4, 2022

Does the dark matter has a particle form at all?

Dark matter means the mystery gravitational effect. The thing that forms this effect can be the material. Which elementary particles have a different size than the elementary particles of visible material have. 

That thing means that the wave movement that those particles are sending has the wavelength that makes it invisible. Another version of dark matter is that thing has no particle form at all. That means dark matter is the wave movement called dark energy. 

Image 2 is the neutron. The gluons jump between quarks. Neutron is formed of two down quarks and one up quarks and gluons. The image could portray a proton. Because it has a similar internal structure with a neutron. But the proton is formed by one down quark and two up quarks and gluons. 

The wavelength that those quantum tornadoes or rotating quantum channels are sending. Would be different than other particles sending. That thing makes the wave movement invisible. And maybe axions are hiding in those quantum tunnels. There is the possibility that there is a quantum vacuum in those tunnels. And that means outcoming energy pushes those quarks to one entirety. 

Image 2:

The mass of hypothetical axion-particles could tell the form of the dark matter. The thing is that the cosmology is that the dark energy is one of the mysteries that can solve another mystery. The mysteries of the dark universe is the thing that can solve where the material came from. 

The name axion of that theoretical particle is coming to an idea that the form of that thing could be elongated. Theories are telling that material is formed in wave-particle duality. That was caused by the mysterious event called  Big Bang. The question about the Big Bang is interesting. Was that thing released only energy that impacted with wave movement that already exists? And that impact caused the wave-particle duality that formed the visible universe. 

The thing is that dark matter is the mysterious gravitational effect. That means that there is the possibility that dark matter has not necessarily have a particular form. The dark energy or a dark wave movement that affects some extremely small particles can cause mysterious gravitational effects. That wave movement can affect the gluons and make them heavier or put them to a higher energy level than they should. 

The form of Dark matter is interesting. And maybe quite soon the researchers can answer two questions.

1) Is dark matter similar material with the visible material? That means the dark matter could turn to wave movement and otherwise. But if dark energy is the same thing as dark matter. That means the dark energy could create the gravitational effect. 

So that means the dark matter would not necessarily have the particle form. The dark wave movement that affects the gluons or some superstrings could cause the mysterious gravitational effect called "dark matter". 

2) And can the dark matter form atoms or molecules? Like visible material? The galaxies where is no dark matter is an interesting detail. 

That tells that dark matter can form the structures like visible material. But are those dark matter structures some kind of clouds of nebulas formed of dark matter? Or is there some kind of more complicated structures that are formed of dark matter? 

The weakness in the Big Bang theory is that it doesn't answer where the thing that exploded came from? 

The Big Bang theory is always the solution for the origin of the material. But where did the material or wave movement  Big Bang released come from? The moment of the Big Bang is point zero in the universe's history. But what happened in the point minus one (-1)? 

There was something that released the material to the universe. Or is it so? If we think that dark matter is the dominating form of material. There is a possibility that the crossing wave movement turned the dark matter into visible material. 

So if the dark matter is similar material with the visible material. The answer for the Big Bang can cause because of the wave-particle duality. But getting acceptance of this theory dark matter should have a similar particle form with the visible material. 

There is the possibility that the wave-particle duality forms when the quantum fields of the particles will touch each other. That thing can cause quantum friction or quantum spark. That thing will turn the quantum field or the superstring that forms that quantum field turns to a roll or yarn ball-shaped structure.

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