In quantum systems, information travels mostly from the higher energetic system to a system that is at the lower energy level. In this text, energy, and information mean the same thing. Of course, the information can travel backward but that requires more energy. And the dominating effect covers the other effects. Same way as in the river where mainly the water molecules are traveling down by the hill.
Of course, some individual molecules can travel opposite the main flow. But there is no way to separate those molecules from the main flow. In the rivers dominating effect covers the opposite moving effect. The energy or information flow in both directions is possible only between quantum systems, witch energy level is the same.
The thing is that quantum entanglement is possible to make between two quantum systems. The information change requires some kind of connection between quantum systems. And there are many strengths of the quantum entanglements. If the entanglement is very weak the superposition is not possible. The entanglement means that the sending quantum system sends wave movement to another quantum system. And that resonates with the receiving system.
For making successful information transfer. There are two conditions that those quantum systems must fill when they transfer information.
1) The transmitting system must be higher energetic. The higher energetic system is the dominant part. And the information travels from the higher energy level to the lower energy level.
The dominating system synchronizes the oscillation of the receiving system to it. If the sending system is lower energetic it cannot synchronize the oscillation of the receiving system. If the receiving system is higher energetic that means the higher energy quantum field. Reflects the energy away that is sent from the lower energy quantum system.
2) The oscillation of the systems must have the same frequency. If the energy level of the systems is the same. The oscillation is hard to synchronize. Oscillation means that the size of sending particle or its quantum field changes.
And if the oscillation of the transmitting and receiving particles is different. That means they are sending wave movement that wavelength is different than the receiving quantum system.
1) Our Universe
2) Energy flow
3)The doppler wave
4) Predicted other universes
This is the reason why we cannot see other universes. Or we cannot see to the future or the past.
The reason why we cannot see other universes is when the Big Bang happened. That thing sends the wave movement or energy wave through the universe. That energy wave travels ahead of the material of the same universe. When wave movement hits that wave it will reflect its incoming direction.
The diagram of the energy of that predicted wave is introduced in diagram 1
And that effect happens in both directions. So that reflection causes the other universes to be invisible to us. The same way our universe is invisible to other universes. The idea is that this wave is at a higher energy level than another part of the universe.
The past >>Energy flow>>This moment>>Energy flow>> The Future
Energy or information travels from the past to the future that is at the lower energy level. The reason for that is that the past is closer to Big Bang.
The reason that makes it an observer hard to see the future and the past is easy to understand if we think of energy flow between quantum systems.
By using time dilation is easy to travel to the future. But the problem is how to transmit information back in time to a higher energy level? Because the energy level in the future is lower than it's at this moment. It cannot synchronize the resonation between particles to the past.
Energy or information travels from the higher energy level quantum system to a quantum system that is at a lower energy level. The past is closer to the Big Bang. And that means material in the past is at a higher energy level. Than material in this moment and future.
Because energy and information can travel easier to lower energy quantum systems we see only this moment. If we want to see to the past. Information or energy should turn to travel backward. Same way if something happens in the future. That thing happens in the quantum system that is at the lower energy level. So the information from the future should turn to travel backward to the past where we are standing.
There is the possibility that quantum entanglement can make information travel in both directions over time. That thing requires that we will put some particles where the other is at this time. And another is at the future to oscillate at the same frequency. Then hose particles will be superpositioned and entangled.
In normal cases, information travels from our moment to the future. So we can put the energy travel between those particles that they are at the same energy or the particle in the future will pick to higher energy level than the particle at our time.
That makes it possible that data travel in the wanted direction. Then there would be made the quantum yoyo. That is the particle that is jumping between the basic energy level and the particle's energy level that is superpositioned and entangled.
That jumping quantum particle will transmit information to the superposition. The reason why there needed the third part is that the energy level of the transmitting system must be higher. But that thing is pure fiction or hypothesis. But maybe we can see to the future and bring information from there.
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