The image above this text introduces the neural network. When information arrives in the neural network that thing faces the prime mover. The information raises the energy level of the prime mover. And that thing means that the prime mover rises to a higher energy level than other individuals in the quantum system.
Then the energy that contains information starts to flow across the quantum system. Because the energy level of the prime mover is higher than in other places of the system. That means the prime mover turns more dominant. And it causes the oscillation will spread across the quantum system.
There are two conditions for successful data transmission.
1) The transmitting system must be at a higher energy level than receiving system.
2)The information in transmission must have the ability to create resonance for the prime mover of the system.
When a quantum system will transmit information the prime mover must step to a lower energy level. That allows the other participants of the quantum system can transfer their oscillation to the prime mover. Then the prime mover will transmit the information forward.
The receiving quantum system must be at a lower energy state than the transmitting quantum system. And the particles that are receiving the information must have the capacity to oscillate or resonate with the receiving information.
Information travels always between quantum systems in the same way. The transmitting system that is at a higher energy level sends wave movement or information. Then the receiving system that is at the lower energy level starts to resonate with the wave movement. At the first, the data bridge forms between prime movers.
And then the information will start to spread over the quantum system. The reason why extremely cold antennas are most capable to capture signals is that. The lower energy radiation can transfer itself into that antenna. If the antenna is at a higher energy level than the incoming radiation the radiation will get more energy and jump back from the antenna.
And by the way. Also, black holes can form the quantum system.
So how the spider net of the wormholes can form?
Black holes can form the quantum system like all other particles. So information should act in the cloud of black holes as it acts in all other quantum systems.
The wormholes are an extreme example of information transmission. The information acts in the black hole network as it acts in all other quantum systems. The prime mover or the black hole that is at the highest energy level of the system starts to oscillate. And the oscillation will transfer to other black holes that are at lower energy levels.
Even if the black holes cannot oscillate and resonate themselves the material disk around them can oscillate and resonate. So the energy that causes resonance in the transition disk will be transmitted to the black hole. And then, it causes resonation or changes in the energy level of the event horizon.
The idea of the spider net of the wormholes is that the black holes are forming the network that is connecting them with other black holes. That theory was introduced in the 1970s. And the thing is that this kind of thing is one of the most brilliant and also incredible ideas in history.
In that idea radiation that comes from black holes is making a series of black holes. That is superpositioned and entangled. This theory allows for the transport of information at a very high speed between stars and even galaxies. So the thing is that this kind of thing allows bringing information from long distances by benefiting those black holes.
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