Sunday, March 27, 2022

The laptop computer broke in 53 hours an encryption code, which prevented to deny the quantum-computer attack.

This thing shows the weakness of quantum computers. The error handling and disturbing handling are not yet effective enough. And another thing is that quantum computers are not so usual things that they will turn to regular tools for programmers. 

The thing is that there are no programmers on Earth who have so-called large-scale experience of working with quantum computers. So without error-handling. There is a large number of errors in the program code and algorithms. That is made by using quantum computers. 

What part of the broken algorithm was made by using the quantum computer? That thing is not mentioned in the news. That is linked below this text. The fact is that the encryption codes that are made by using binary computers are useless against the quantum computer. 

There is the possibility that quantum computers are used only to generate the prime number that is used in the encryption process. If the algorithms are made by using binary computers. There would be no problem for breaking it with a quantum computer. 


The zero-point in the Riemann hypothesis causes the re-estimation of the encryption that uses prime numbers. 

The computers are using Riemann conjecture that is also known as Riemann conjecture for that purpose. There are zero points in that conjecture or "Zeta function". So there should be found some other way to create prime numbers. 

Image: Zero-points in Riemann hypothesis. 

"The real part (red) and imaginary part (blue) of the Riemann zeta function, along with the critical line Re(s) = 1/2. The first nontrivial zeros can be seen at lm(s) = ±14.135, ±21.022, and ±25.011". (Wikipedia/Riemann hypothesis)

Even if there is a zero-point in Riemann's conjecture in the point Re(s) 1/2. There is a possibility to generate prime numbers by using this formula. If there are only a couple of zero points. Into the program code must just involve a command. That denies using of those points. ("Don't use the point Re(s)=1/2)" would be the command). 

But as you see from the film at the top of this text there are five zero points in the Riemann zeta function that is also known Riemann hypothesis and Riemann conjecture. There is the possibility that there are more zero points. And if the Riemann Zeta function is used in the encryption algorithm. Those points should involve to "don't use list". 

But in higher-level encryption that is needed in the most secured data transmission, there is the possibility that Riemann conjecture or hypothesis is not enough to reach the Pretty Good Privacy level in the highest secured data transmission. 


The hacker cannot predict time what breaking the algorithms takes. 

When we are thinking that the hacker uses 53 hours to crack some algorithm we must remember one thing. Before the code-braking process, the hacker cannot predict how long that process takes. So when the code braking process begins the system can handle that problem from one minute to 10000 hours. And as you see code-braking requires patience. 

But maybe quantum computers are not very common systems yet. Yet those systems are not creating the large-scale risk for the things like crypto-currencies. Those computers are in well-guarded laboratories. But in the future, the situation will change. 

The quantum computers turn more common. And those systems turn private-owned. Also, the experience of programming and error-handling in quantum computing will advance. And that makes it possible that quantum computers will scale themselves across the internet. When we are thinking about quantum computers. They will repeat the history of computers. The first computers were in laboratories. 

And they were used by very highly trained people. But then those systems turned more common, cheaper and finally, even ordinary people could find those things. The Apple's Lisa and IBM PC (Personal Computer) was the first breakthrough for computers. The second breakthrough was the pocket-size mobile devices or "smartphones". That allows people to be connected to the internet all the time. 

And then we might think that the quantum computers are following this way. Maybe sooner than we think we can see the quantum-personal computers in the supermarkets.


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