Sometimes people still ask: are wormholes possible? The fact is that electromagnetic wormholes are a proven phenomenon. Things like laser rays are one version of the electromagnetic wormholes, and those things are just removing some quantum fields around them.
The difference between some laser rays and the real wormhole is that the wormhole is a much more powerful phenomenon. Wormholes are a theoretical phenomenon. They are like tubes or whirls of electromagnetic fields in the universe.
The idea of the wormhole is that there are no quantum fields inside that channel. Theoretically, the laser rays can form real wormholes by creating a series of quantum size black holes. Then the laser ray will put those quantum-black holes to superposition and entanglement.
Can wormholes transport information? The fact is that when the information drops into a black hole it will not vanish. It just turns its form. When we are thinking about atoms. They are formed of quarks, gluons, and electrons. The elementary particle can travel through black holes and wormholes.
So information will be pixelated, it will turn to pieces. And the question about the use of wormholes as space travel is can we return the information to its original form. It's impossible to erase information itself. The bites of information still exist. But the question can anybody rebuild that information again to its original form. So at least the wave movement can go through the wormhole.
Information can travel in wormholes only from higher energy black holes to lower energy black holes.
We can think of black holes as quantum systems. The requirement is that information travels between objects that are superpositioned and entangled. Is that the other part of the superposition is at a higher level. Energy levels are like floors in the house. And information acts like a ball in that system. If we want to put information travel in that system we can easily drop it to the lower floor.
Information drops to the lower floor very easily. But if we want to push the ball on the same floor we must give some kind of kick in that case. And if we want to return the ball from the lower floor to the upper floor we must throw it with force. Same way information can travel in quantum systems easily only from the higher energy state to the lower energy state.
When people are saying that the object travels in Einstein-Rose bridge or wormhole faster than the speed of light they are right and wrong. Inside the wormhole, all objects are traveling at the same speed. So the speed of photons is the same as other objects.
But what is the Einstein-Rose bridge called wormhole? The idea of the wormhole is that there is a channel inside the universe there are no quantum fields. The wormhole connects two black holes. When two black holes are starting to oscillate with the same frequency they are superpositioned and entangled.
The thing in wormhole theory is that the energy that travels between two superpositioned and entangled black holes are forming a phenomenon where energy travels in the core of the energy channel. That thing isolates the channel inside that thing. And that removes the quantum fields from inside the energy channel.
And what forms the white hole?
Theoretical white holes are the places in the universe where material and wave movement are coming out from the wormhole. In black holes information falls in a black hole. In white holes, the information travels away from white holes. So theoretical white holes are the opposite phenomenon to the black hole. The creation of that phenomenon requires that the wormholes are not forming between black holes.
There is theoretically possible that the electromagnetic field is starting to whirl. Or there is forming some kind of eruption channel in the universe where the electromagnetic field is closing the space inside it. Then the pressure of the quantum fields removing. And the electromagnetic vacuum causes the particles can travel in that tube with extremely fast speed. In that electromagnetic vacuum, all particles can travel at the same speed with photons.
So the fast-moving particles are unable to remove the wave movement from their core. The reason for that is that all particles are traveling in the wormholes. Are traveling with the speed of the wave movement. That thing causes the wormhole cannot to collapse.
When those particles are coming from the wormholes they form the doppler effect. They are pushing wave movement ahead of them. And when they are losing their energy that doppler wave sends photons. This is the reason why that hypothetical phenomenon is called a "white hole".
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