The angel symbolizes powerful and, at the same time, delicate things. So the angel is the symbol of an unknown force. The angel system means the system that is extremely powerful, extremely capable, but very easy to injure. The angel particle means the short-term, extremely high-energy particle. That sometimes is seen in particle accelerators.
Superpositioned and entangled particles are needed in quantum computers as data transporters. But the problem with quantum entanglement is its short-living phenomenon.
Normally quantum entanglement doesn't happen between particles. The quantum entanglement happens between the quantum fields of the particles. The thing that makes quantum entanglement so unstable is that the spin of the particles is rotation or the spin. If the electron's spin would be a full rotation that makes the quantum entanglement long-term phenomenon.
The spin of an electron is 1/2. And that means the electron rotates 1/2 time around itself. Then it starts to return to the original position. So when the particle is spinning back it brakes the quantum field around it. That's why the spin of the particle pair must be synchronized.
That movement will destroy the quantum entanglement. The thing is that the particles are rotating in opposite directions in the quantum entanglement. And if the power that is used to make that entanglement is too strong. The quantum entanglement is turning the spin of another particle into antimatter.
One of the most powerful things in the universe is antimatter. The antimatter needs only touch from the "regular materials" and mirror particles are turning each other to radiation.
But there is a combination of the regular material and antimatter. The most well-known of those combinations is positronium where the electron and positron are orbiting each other. And another is protonium where antiprotons and protons are orbiting each other. The orbiting speed keeps those particles away from each other.
The thing that makes those combinations interesting is that they can use to store antimatter. But another thing that they can use is to make the superposition and entanglement between those particles. Because the antimatter particle positron is positive and the electron is negative the particle pair is easy to position at the right angle. The antiproton is the negative version of the positive proton.
But the problem is that. The antielectron or positron ( or antiproton in protonium) is an extremely unstable particle.
Wounded Angel by Hugo Simberg
Great Finnish painter Hugo Simberg painted this painting in 1903. Some people say that it inspired the civil war of Finland but the civil war was in 1918. The thing is that Hugo Simberg could not know about Civil War and Finnish independence that happened on December 6, 1917.
Somebody has introduced that the painting symbolizes the people who were sent to Seili mental hospital. Or some other rendition about this painting is that those two boys are poor, they have only themselves. And then some girl talks to them. They feel that the girl who shows interest to them is an angel.
But there is one thing that we forget. The angel can symbolize the unknown power that is not from this world. The term "angel" means the UFO signing. And in some stories, the sight of the angel will burn everything around them.
So maybe Simberg tried to tell us that if we someday help people who are different. They can give us much more than we ever thought.
The angel is a powerful and also delicate character. The same way things like nuclear reactors are powerful. But very easy to turn unstable. When nuclear reactors are operating with full power they are easy to push out from balance.
Another thing that is the combination of power and delicate is a quantum computer. The quantum computer can make many things that are impossible for regular computers. But the system itself is very delicate and even gravitational waves can break the symmetry in the quantum computer that operates with the superpositioned and entangled particles.
The same way the most powerful organ in our body is powerful. But at the same time, it's vulnerable. The brains are things that are superior to all systems. They are the creators who can create same time good and bad things.
Human brains can make machines and tools. But the human brains are also destructors. They are the place of the darkest fantasies that we can imagine.
When human brains are making something they sometimes create destruction. Things like nuclear weapons can be destructors. But someday they can save the Earth. Nuclear technology is only one example of the things that are the same time creators and destructors.
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