Friday, March 18, 2022

Could the asymmetrical oscillation be the key to gravitation?

The question of gravitation is how the gravitation is so weak. And how it can be neutral? That means that the gravitation affects all particles the same way. The thing that maybe the gravitation is the effect that affects to quantum fields of atoms and other particles. 

The gravitational interaction could be like this. In this text, wave movement means gravitational waves. There is the possibility that gravitational waves are causing the effect where asymmetrical oscillation causes that the gravitation is moving particles. 

The gravitational waves give an idea that gravitation is wave movement or energy that travels in quantum systems. So gravitation is like light. And the hypothetical graviton is like the photon. That means that hypothetical transportation particle of gravitation has the waveform and particle form as a photon has. So the graviton would be like the dark photon. 

Possiblity 1)

Each particle in the universe is inside the bubble called the quantum field. When the wave movement hits that quantum field it pushes that quantum field inside. If the particle or wave movement hits the quantum field of the particle that causes the wave through the quantum field. And when that wave is at the other side of the quantum field it continues its journey as the wave movement. 

And the asymmetry of that wave movement is the reason that the material itself sends wave movement. When the universe expands the quantum fields around that particle expands. And the asymmetry of the wave movement is the reason for the wave movement that comes from the material itself. 

In some other forms of that idea, the quantum field sucks part of that wave movement to itself. So the wave movement that is coming from the gravitational center. Push the wave movement that is at a lower energy level at the front of it. That thing causes the phenomenon. Where the wave movement is acting like a rocket engine. That thing explains the time dilation. When the large mass of gravitational waves hits the quantum fields of the other particles that load those quantum fields with energy. 

The reason why gravitation is interesting is that this phenomenon or interaction seems to affect the opposite way to how it should interact. If gravitation is some kind of wave movement. That means gravitation should push objects rather than pull them. Gravitational waves are causing the idea that hypothetical graviton is very much like a photon. 

The graviton would have also wave movement and particle forms. But if gravitation is wave movement why cannot push an object. The gravitational waves are giving a tip that may be gravitation is wave movement like light. 

Possibility 2) 

The idea of asymmetrical oscillation means the idea that when gravitation radiation hits the particle it moves the particle backward. That thing causes the electromagnetic vacuum at the front or the side of the gravitational center. Because the particle or object is touching the quantum field at another side of it. That causes an effect, where the quantum field turns asymmetrical. 

The quantum field at the back of the particle is at a higher energy level than the quantum field at the front of the particle is. And that pushes particles forward. 

The idea is that the impacting gravitation makes the small vacuum that moves the quantum field. Because all particles cover by quantum fields. And the place of the particle is at the middle of the quantum field, whenever the quantum field is moving the particle in them is moving. 

Or otherways thinking. There is the possibility that when the graviton or gravitation wave movement is impacting with the quantum field of particle. That wave movement travels through that quantum field. Like radio waves are traveling through the core of stealth bombers. 

The quantum field where gravitation impacts take the energy in itself. Then that energy pushes gravitation waves away from the quantum fields of the particles. When the gravitational waves are separating. They are making that thing just before the particle. 

That thing forms an electromagnetic vacuum. And that vacuum is pulling the particle to the center of the gravitation. The idea is that in both cases of the gravitation models is the effect where the quantum field of particles is moving. That thing moves the particle in the quantum field to the middle of its quantum bubble. That thing can be some kind of model of gravitation.

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