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When we make call-ups surveys, we must choose the right way to make those things.

The surveys are the things for making predictions about what people want and how young people will lead the country in the future. The fact is that young people are not young forever. There are problems with polls like how to select people for them? 

When we are thinking of the call-up polls we must remember that there are two ways how we can handle that thing. The first way is to search for the opinions of individual persons, and the second way is to make that research by keeping the focus in the groups. Both ways to make the research have their good and bad sides. 

1) If we want to research the opinions of the groups we can call two groups of people in the hall. And then we can ask the questions. Then those groups can discuss and vote about the thing. And then we might say that the opinion of group A differs from the opinion of group B. 

But there is one thing that we might forget. And that thing is that we don't know what is winning marginal? There might be 51 people in the 100 person group who have a certain opinion. And that means the winning is not so clear as we might hope. 

2) Collecting individual opinions is also a problematic thing. The people must not tell the truth about their opinions. The data mass that the makers of the survey get is bigger.

Handling that kind of information is harder. There are always people who are not sure about things. And the AI can make dumping the answers to the database easy. 

When the people will make the phone. The "speech to text" application will write that speech to the database or straight to document. So if the people will answer "yes" and "no" at the same time about the question about the foreigners. That thing can make problems for the AI. Some people have no opinion at all about that kind of thing.

The makers of the query might not think that foreigners are also individuals. Being a foreigner doesn't make anybody good or bad. And even if we think of foreigners as the groups there are different groups. 

The people who come to work in a foreign country. There are refugees. And some people just want to get out of their homeland and move to another country. And all people have different opinions about them. And of course, Ukrainian refugees are not the same thing as some African refugees. We must remember also those things. 

And the second thing is that the computers can sort the answers. But the problem is how to make questions that are easy to answer and understand. The fact is that the world is not black and white. Some people are against something, but there are some exceptions. 

When we are thinking of people who are answering that kind of query. We should ask: are those people who give their time, so-called regular people? When we are thinking about political activists. They might be easy targets to post forms if the maker of the query wants answers. But there is one thing that we must remember also to ask. Are political activists regular people? 

The fact is that minorities are more active in politics and environmental discussions than majorities. The reason for that is minorities are facing more often faults like discrimination. They see more often the things that they want to change than people who are part of the majority. 

And maybe political and environmental activism is the way to make themselves heard. That kind of thing might be a very good way to see people who the activists are. And if the feedback is positive that thing gives them power. Good feedback is the good fuel. 

There is the possibility that the cases where especially younger family members are treated like air will give them fuel to dare to begin their political or environmental activism. The discussions on the internet are a good place to show who people are really. 

Discrimination and being stamped as childish kids are the things. That some people are facing in their life. And maybe net activism is the only way how they can introduce their opinions to people. If somebody says that person who is writing about the experiences as cheated on the net is not fair. I must ask how fair those people themselves are been? 

Are they given the discriminated people a chance to speak and defend their opinions? The age itself is not making anybody smart or stupid. Other things are determining an IQ. And one is the number of connections between neurons. 

There are two ways to make the query. The first one is to make telephone interviews. And the second one is to make the form and send that form to those people who would involve in the interview. And the problem is that if the call-up is very large there is lots of work to write those answers.

If the query will send to Email, how those people will get the motivation to open it. And another thing is how to make sure that the person who fills those forms is honest. Only real and honest opinions mean something. 

But the biggest of all problems is how to select those people? How do the makers of the survey make sure that they represent the entire group of people? If we want to listen to the opinions of the youth we can select 200 people and take them to some hall. But are those 200 people representers of the entire youth?



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