Sunday, March 27, 2022

How the hypothetical universe where time moves backward might form?

We believe that the origin of our universe was in the Big Bang the great explosion that released material to space and time. When the universe was extremely young. It looked a little bit like a quasar. There is the possibility that there was some kind of asymmetry in the eruption of material. 

And the reason for that might be that the object that released material had some kind of polar structure like black holes has. The polarised object could be from the material jet that is similar to that quasar's release. But that jet was much larger. The universe is surrounded by plasma or a quantum bubble that pulls energy from inside the universe. And that energy movement causes the expansion of the universe. 

Everything happens in the opposite order in the anti-universe. The reason for that is that the birth of the anti-universe began from the core. Inside the core of the anti-universe was the electromagnetic vacuum. 

And the wave movement started to drop in that EM-vacuum because energy travels always from the highest energy level to the lower energy level. So because the wave movement travels to the center of the anti-universe. We cannot see that thing. The electromagnetic vacuum will pull all wave movement inside the anti-universe. 

And the reason for that is simple. The core of the hypothetical anti-universe is at the highest energy level in that structure. In our universe, the inner areas of the universe are at a higher energy level than the core. 

Image 2) Quasar 3C 273 and its jet.

So when the material is released from the universe it lost a little bit of its energy. And that means that another universe has a lower energy level in its plasma field than our universe has. That means energy travels to another universe from our universe. 

The remarkable thing is that in that antiuniverse the plasma field is at a higher energy level than the inner space of the anti-universe is. And that causes that energy falls inside that bubble. The reason why the energy level in the anti-universe is higher than inside it is simple. That hypothetical antiuniverse started to form from the outside to the inside. 

And because wave movement travels to the center of the anti-universe. That thing means that the energy will load to particles inside the anti-universe. And that means time travels backward in that hypothetical universe. The material will turn younger until it cannot store any more energy or starts to release that energy. When material releases energy it turns older. 

And finally the theory about the timeless civilization. 

There is the possibility that somewhere inside the universe is a civilization that can live forever. That hypothetical civilization would cover its planet or entire solar system with a plasma ball that rotates with the speed of light. 

Then that plasma ball will shoot energy rays. And that thing makes the material turn younger. The virtual crossing of the speed of light can be made by putting the cylinder or ball-shaped object rotate with the speed of light. And then the energy rays will aim at that structure. Because the energy level inside that structure is lower than in its core. The wave movement travels only to the inside of the structure. 

And that thing can cause an effect where quantum fields of material will pump by extra energy. Another version is just to make the ball-shaped physical or ion-gas structure and then the EM radiation will impact that structure. There is the possibility that this thing can make energy travel in only one direction which is to the center of that ball. And that thing could load the quantum fields of the material with the new energy. So that kind of thing can make the material young again. 

If there are two layers in that plasma or quantum ball there is the possibility. That the wave movement travels in that electromagnetic vacuum. There could be the superpositioned electrons that are making it possible that energy can travel across that vacuum. 

And that thing makes that hypothetical solar system invisible.  The idea of some quantum stealth systems might be that the wave movement will put to travel inside the plasma or quantum bubble. And it travels only to the center of the bubble, which means the observer would not see the target, because the quantum bubble denies the reflection. 

Image 2)

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