Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Most unemployed young men have criminal records.


Image: (ScitechDaily/Findings suggested a new approach needed to aid the unemployed).

The research made by RAND corporation has shown an interesting and sad thing in the socioeconomic advantage "By age 35, 64% of unemployed men have been arrested. And 46% have been convicted of a crime, with the rates varying only slightly by race and ethnicity". That means just hanging around is a very bad thing to an unemployed person.

The thing that might help to make those numbers nicer. Could be that the people should motivate to educate themselves. That thing makes it easier to get the job. And people's attitude to an educated person is always nicer. If the person would not go to any school that causes antipathy in the job interviewers. 

And the negative attitude causes hate. Hate is the motive for many violent crimes. And many of the first-time assaulters are saying that the motive for their crime was hate. If the first crimes are not made those people would not go to jail. 

The negative attitude and hate are very serious combinations. The person who always faces negative things is a good target for the criminal gangs that need new members. The gang members are telling that nothing matters. And that things will make people make crimes. 

The young men who are just hanging around have a big risk of drifting in gangs. And the thing that increases this risk is lack of education. The uneducated and unemployed person is at a very big risk of make serious crimes. Unemployment, frustration, and non-educating are dangerous combinations. That combination causes the person is easy to entice to make crimes. So what is the thing? 

That can drop the number of crimes, made by unemployed persons? And especially unemployed men? That thing could increase the level of education. The higher education level makes the crimes less addictive things than otherwise. 

And education will make the person easier to get a job. And that thing means that going to schools and educating can make positive things for the entire community. If the person feels that nothing matters. That will cause that there is always the risk that bad company makes the person make crimes. 



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