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Do we know the risks and possibilities of genetic engineering?

What is natural?

Have you ever seen liger? Liger is the hybridization between tiger and lion. And that animal is not the only hybrid species that is created in the laboratory. The film above this text introduces interesting lion hybrids. 

But we forget that genetic engineering allows researchers to connect genomes even from vegetables to humans. And that thing makes the "little green men" possible. In movies, the "little green men" are some stereotypic aliens. 

When we are thinking that the skin of the extraterrestrial alien would have a photosynthesis ability. That allows them to live without vegetables. But there is the possibility to combine the genome that controls the chlorophyll production in vegetables with the skin cells of humans. 

The genetically engineered "little green men" or vegetable-human hybrid would have green skin. That has an ability to photosynthesis. In that case, the genome that makes chlorophyll for vegetables would transfer to the skin cells. And that makes the skin photosynthetic. Genome therapy or genome transplants can use for removing hereditary diseases or improve the lifetime of humans. 


The use of bacteria as the medium. In genome transplant. 

The genomes >>>Transplant to bacteria>>>Bacteria will inject to blood>>>Then that bacteria is starting to create retroviruses that transfer genomes to human cells. 


The genome transplant can make by using genetically engineered bacteria. Those bacteria can create viruses that are used to transfer genomes to human cells. But the same technology can use for creating bacteria that create viruses for biological weapons. 

When we are looking at things like genetic engineering. We are facing animals that cannot even exist in the natural world. Nanotechnology and genetic engineering are the ultimate combinations for creating hybrid species that can be the salvation of the worst nightmare in human history. There is the possibility to connect genomes over species that are not combined. 

The genomes of vegetables, insects, and mammals can combine by using nanorobots. And that kind of experiment can bring a new way to produce tissues for organ transplants. Another way to think is that those experiments are bringing new dangerous species to nature. 

Genetic engineering makes it possible to combinate the genomes of diatoms and some other organisms that allow making the crystals which growth is the DNA controlled. Or it can use to make the turtle whose shield has a silicon core. The core of diatoms is silicone. And nanomachines can combine those genomes with the cells that create the shield of those animals.

The artist's humorous drawing portrays the angry green man. (Pinterest)

The thing that makes turtles interesting is that those lizards live a very long time. And the genomes that allow turtles to live about 150 years are researched in laboratories. That kind of genome can be the key to extending our lifetime. But then we are facing the key question, what is natural? 

When we are thinking about liger from the top of the text we must remember that there is the possibility that the hybrid species can escape from laboratories. And that kind of thing is causing risks. The most well-known hybrid animal is the hybridization of dogs and wolves. That hybridization is used to keep some dog breeds wealthy. 

Outcoming genomes are needed to connect to dog breeds for removing degeneration. That happens through the dog-wolf. Dogwolves are causing problems because they are not afraid of people. And they can attack also humans more often than a normal wolf. Those outcoming genomes are keeping those dog breeds wealthy. Outcome genomes remove things like character defects. 

The thing that we forget about the dogs is that those cute fellows are not natural. They are created by hybridizing things like hyenas and probably red wolves or grey wolves. It's unknown which canines were used for making the first dogs. At first, humans tamed wolves. But then humans started to breed those wolves. And breeding means that there must be connected genomes from other wolf species like hyenas and African wild dogs. The dog is one of the most bred animals in the world. 


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