Saturday, September 17, 2022

Hunters of the lost graviton.

Graviton is the hypothetical source of gravitational waves. That particle is the thing that sends gravitational waves. Why researchers are looking for graviton? The answer is that gravitons can open the road to extreme energy sources. And antigravitation can revolutionize technology. 

Because gravitation is a neutral force it can use for many other purposes than just making the UFO hovering above the ground. The antigravitation would revolutionize nanotechnology. If that thing is possible. 

And the thing, that makes antigravitation possible is that gravitation is radiation or wave motion. So we can call gravitational waves gravitational radiation. The idea of antigravitation is that the gravitational waves or gravitational radiation are removed from that area. 

There are two ways to make antigravitation. Another is to make two clouds of gravitons. And that thing puts the object hover between them. 

In some versions, the whirl of electromagnetic wave motion or some particles like gravitons will push the gravitational waves away from the area. This denies the gravitational waves moving in the area. 

The second way is to pull gravitons away from each other. And that thing would make gravitational radiation or gravitational waves weaker. 

The idea of antigravitation is simple. When we are looking at the image above, we can think that every small spot in its entirety is the graviton. So the system must just pull those gravitons away from each other. And then that thing turns gravitational radiation weaker. This thing makes the antigravitational engines possible at least in theory. 

In this model, gravitons are the network of particles. They send wave motion like all other particles. And that wave motion is one reason why we cannot cross the speed of light. Whenever a particle touches the gravitational radiation it loses energy. 

The reason why gravitational waves pull energy away from the particle is their energy level is lower than the particle's energy level. In a black hole, gravitational waves are thick enough that they can start to transmit energy to the particle. When cosmic inflation pulls material or particles away from each other that means the gravitational effect in the universe turns weaker. 

But where we can find graviton? The thing is that graviton is in all particles which have mass. So the graviton is the thing that makes weight and mass for each particle. And that makes graviton so hard to find. The thing that makes graviton so common a particle makes it hard to detect it. Its small size makes that particle almost invisible and there is a possibility that it exists shorter time than the Higgs boson. 

When we are thinking about gravitational interaction the remarkable thing about this force is that it's so weak. That force seems to affect only between entireties. And the second thing is that force can turn the trajectory of photons. 

This means that there is the possibility that graviton has poles. In the same way, a weak nuclear force is an interaction between the north and south poles of the neutron. There is a possibility that gravitation is the interaction between graviton's poles. 

There is a possibility that graviton can turn in the energy channel. And then there is forming the beam of gravitational waves. The phenomenon could look a little bit like a black hole. There is a possibility that this gravitational ray will make the photon turn its road. 

Sometimes is introduced that graviton is some kind of magnetic monopole. That means that the gravitons could be pairs. In that model, the graviton is two particles that are together. 

Maybe someday we are finding that hypothetical or almost hypothetical particle. And that moment can be closer than we ever thought. There is a possibility that inside the Higgs boson is at least one yet unknown particle. Because the geometry of the Higgs boson is changing that thing might be true. And maybe some of those particles are missing graviton. 

The problem with that thing is this. If the graviton is inside the Higgs boson. And even getting the tip about the existence of that particle requires forming of Higgs boson the energy level for making a free graviton that exists long enough that researchers can measure it requires very much more energy than nobody even thought. 

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