In that case, the hot plasma forms the warp bubble around the object. And then that thing can make the situation where the object can fly faster than the speed of light.
In some visions, the extremely hot ion plasma pulses would shoot into an ion cloud. That thing turns ions away from their route. And that thing makes it possible to create the electromagnetic wormhole through that ion (or anion) plasma cloud.
The idea of that thing is easy. The hot plasma is formed by ions pushing other material out from the area. Then the ion beam will shoot to that cloud. The repelling effect of those high-energy ions will push the ion cloud away from their route. If those high-energy ion beams are repeating fast enough they can form the wormhole or electromagnetic vacuum or synthetic electromagnetic wormhole through that ion plasma.
If the researchers want to use negative energy impulses they might want to use anions. In that case, the channel through the anion cloud can be made by using high-energy electron beams. The idea is that if the beam has the same polarity as the plasma around it will push the plasma away from its route. And that makes it possible to create conditions where particles can travel faster than usual.
WARP bubbles are interesting things. They can be the plasma bubbles that are isolating the sphere inside them from the outer world. The idea is that the speed of the WARP bubble is rising as high as possible. And then the object inside that bubble will push ahead. That thing makes it theoretically possible to cross the speed of light. That technology is far away in the future. But we have the right to dream about that thing.
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The problem is how to deny energy flow away from the craft at the moment when it reaches the speed of photons.
Illustration of WARP-craft. The main problem in the crossing of the speed of light is how to make energy flow continue to craft when it reaches the speed of photons. One version is to shoot the craft by using laser rays just in time when it reaches the speed of light.
The idea is that the nose of the craft is in as low an energy level as possible. And that allows energy to flow to the craft so near to the speed of light as possible. The question about crossing the speed of light is how to make energy flow to hypothetical craft from photons. The reason for that is that crossing the speed of light seems at least very difficult that the only particle that can transfer energy to craft near the speed of light is a photon. But when the craft reaches the speed of a photon the energy starts to flow away from the craft.
One version to increase the energy of the spacecraft's core is to make its impact on the atom. That impact will increase the energy of that craft. The atom can deliver from the craft that travels forward of the main unit. Or another version is to pull ions to craft. That thing makes it possible to create a situation where the crossing of the speed of light happens virtually.
And then that energy will make the craft jump across the speed of light. The last version is to fly the craft against a laser ray that increases its energy level and denies energy flow away from its core at the speed of the photon. In the place of the word, "craft" can also be a word "particle".
The energy wave that could allow crossing the speed of light can also be easy to create.
"Two-dimensional visualization of an Alcubierre drive, showing the opposing regions of expanding and contracting spacetime that displace the central region". (Wikipedia, Alcubierre Drive)
The thing that can make the energy wave possible that increases the mass of the object so much that it can jump across the speed of light could be the side coming energy. If an energy load hits to object from the sides at 90 degrees angle it can form the energy wave that makes Alcubierre's drive possible.
The idea is that the antimatter annihilation would happen at the sides of the theoretical craft. That travels as close to the speed of light as possible. So another name for gravitation is energy. And energy load to the object can increase by making annihilation at the sides of the object.
Above is the diagram of the energy transfer to WARP-craft.
1) The craft
2) Energy impulse that comes from sideways.
3) Thrust of the antimatter engine.
Around the craft would be the accelerator where is the second annihilation chamber. When an antimatter engine accelerates the craft so close to the speed of light the accelerator around it will send the energy impulse to the body of the craft. And that energy increases its weight or energy so much that it can cross the speed of light.
When we are thinking about things like Alcubierre drive where an object rides with energy waves we must realize one thing. The reason why particles cannot cross the speed of light in CERN is that they must travel through multiple magnetic fields. That means that energy travels out from the particle when it hits a new magnetic field.
But there is the possibility that also Alcubierre's drive can work. The idea is that if the extra energy comes to the object from the sides that thing makes it possible that the energy level of the object rises so high that it can cross the speed of light. But as I wrote before everyday use of that technology is far away in the future.
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