Thursday, September 1, 2022

Can we predict evolution?

Image above: Glowing corals entice nutrients like small water insects. 

Why are species advancing? The reason for that is that the species must get nutrients. And they must get descendants. The challenge is that if the species is good prey for hunters it dies before it can make descendants. If the hunter is too dominating, it eats its food to end. And that thing can cause extinction. Same way, if some animal is a too easy target. That causes extinction. 

For success, the species must ensure its nutrient source. Without nutrients, the species is gone. So, that's why corals are glowing. Glowing corals are a good example of how a thing that seems meaningless has a big role in evolution. 

When we think about the reason why corals glow, we can answer that the glow of corals is meant to entice food. Because bioluminescence increases the nutrient level of corals higher than corals that are not glowing, that makes glowing corals stronger. And they will take over space from other corals. Sooner or later that thing causes the accumulation of genetic material that makes corals glow. That means corals are starting to glow brighter. 

So we can think that maybe in the future glowing corals are turning more common than other corals. The reason for that is that those corals get more nutrients than their competitors. If shining coral is next to coral that has no shine the nutrient that is mostly small sea creatures will go to shining corals. And that decreases the nutrient level of that dark coral. And maybe someday shining coral gets all food. 

This is one version of how we can predict evolution. But then we must realize that there are many types of evolution. This is one version of how we can predict evolution. 

But then we must realize the thing, that evolution is not always biological. The next list includes a couple of examples of that thing. 

1) Natural evolution. That is the regular advancement of the species. 

2) Cultural evolution. That thing can increase the success of some species. 

3) Technical evolution. When some system is turned old-fashion there is a need for a new and better system. One of the examples of technological evolution is the history of electricity. 

4) Economic evolution. When some model in economics turns useless or too expensive. The new model replaces it. The modern economic model bases the growth that continues forever. But we know that this model is impossible. But economic evolution is an extremely large sector. So maybe I will return that thing later. 

But also the development of other civil and military equipment is a good example of technical evolution. When a new product is entering marketing that product must answer to need. If the new product is superior, that means old products and models must step away from the new product. 

When we are thinking about the problems of electric cars the first challenge was to turn the infrastructure so that electric cars can recharge their batteries The new equipment must have support. If there are no charge points for electric cars, there are no electric cars. 

Light bulbs and electric stoves replaced gas lamps and stoves because electric lights and stoves are safer than gas versions. If somebody leaves the gas tap open, that thing turns the gas light and gas stove into thermobaric bombs. Electric light and stoves can cause a fire but they are not as dangerous as gas lamps and stoves. 

The next big step in technology, environment, and culture is AI. AI can control the use of electricity and use of natural resources more effectively than ever before. And AI can turn life more comfortable than ever before. 

Modern lights are using light diodes that decrease their use of electricity. And in future the artificial intelligence can control stoves. That system can see if is food ripe enough. And the system can control if the person is at home. That means stoves are part of the network. If the chef sees that something is missing, that person can visit the shop. 

When the person will step out the door. The system says that the person is cooking and asks where that chef is going. When the chef says that he or she is going to shop the AI will calculate the time how long that thing takes. Then that system adjusts the temperature to the right level. The artificial intelligence can also ask when the person wants to eat, and then adjust the cooking temperature precisely right.

Also, the AI can ask what food the chef wants to make. And then it uses surveillance cameras for seeing if there is the right raw material in the cupboards. And then the system says that if something is missing. The AI can same way asking if a person wants to order those things from the shop. Or would that person want to go shopping? 

When we are thinking about energy production we must realize one thing. We have developed energy transportation tools. 

But there are no new energy sources since nuclear energy. The large-scale use of solar power is a new thing. Same way geothermic energy is a new thing. The fact is that nuclear power can be safer if the nuclear reactors are put in deep underground caves. If the reactor is hundreds of meters below the surface that protects it against terror strikes. That means that the reactor can place in the same depth as nuclear waste final disposal.


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