Saturday, September 24, 2022

The compact electron accelerator is possible to make by using laser light.

"An image from a simulation in which a laser pulse (red) drives a plasma wave, accelerating electrons in its wake. The bright yellow spot is the area with the highest concentration of electrons. In an experiment, scientists used this technique to accelerate electrons to nearly the speed of light over a span of just 20 centimeters. Credit: Bo Miao/IREAP" ( electron accelerator reaches new speeds with nothing but light)

By pushing electrons by using laser light is possible to accelerate them to the 99.99999993% speed of light. That thing means that those laser-based accelerators can replace magnetic accelerators very fast. 

The laser accelerators can make it possible to accelerate particles by using photons. And that thing makes it easier to make compact accelerated systems. Which are not depending the magnetic field. 

The idea of the photon-electron accelerator comes from the futuristic interstellar photonic rocket. The specific impulse of a photon rocket same as the speed of light. But the thrust is very poor. The medium between photon and ion rockets is the cathode engine. 

In that system, the accelerator will accelerate electrons for making a better thrust. If researchers can make that acceleration by using photons. That thing makes those electron engines more compact than using traditional particle accelerators. 

The photonic accelerator is one of the most brilliant inventions in the world of quantum. The laser rays or photons can transport electrons through the air. And that thing makes those systems suitable for transporting data in quantum computers. 

The system that accelerated electrons used the most powerful X-ray bursts in the world. And this thing limits a little bit the use of that system. 

There is planned to create a one-kilometer long photonic accelerator that can rise the energy level of electrons to 13,5 gigaelectron volts. That thing can revolutionize many things like physics. 

Quantum tweezers are the tools that can revolutionize nanotechnology. 

Quantum lensing is quite a similar phenomenon to gravitational lensing. But in the quantum lens, quantum field as an example electrons turn the direction of light waves. So even if the image above this part of the text originally introduced gravitational lensing. But it also fits for introducing quantum lensing. That phenomenon can use for the thing called quantum tweezers. 

Laser says can act as the photonic billiard stick. That photonic billiard stick can move electrons and other particles in the vacuum chamber. But quantum lensing can make that thing more accurate. 

Quantum lensing is a phenomenon where the atoms or subatomic particles' quantum fields are turning the direction of photons. Chancing that photon's distance from the beginning point of those light tweezers is possible to change our tweezers open or are they closed. If those quantum tweezers work right, that makes it possible to manipulate bonds between atoms in molecules. That thing can revolutionize nanotechnology. 

Electrons at hyper-high energy levels can make the quantum version of gravitational lensing possible. In that version photons or light waves can be shot through the quantum field of that electron. That thing can make it possible to create quantum-light tweezers. This can use to move things like single protons.

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