Sunday, September 4, 2022

What is the solar cycle?

If we can predict the solar cycle, we could protect our electronic components more effectively. When the ion eruption from the sun starts we must shut down many satellites. There is a so-called SOHO (Solar and Heliospheric Observatory) Whose mission is to collect data about the sun and especially warning signs of solar eruptions.  

SOHO is the satellite system between Earth and the sun. That system's mission is to warn people that the ion eruption endangers communication and other satellites. The data that SOHO collects is used to make predictions for solar eruptions. And maybe someday there are so-called space weather broadcasts that warn people that there is a massive ion flow coming from the sun. 

The sun might seem stable. But the fact is that the energy production of our central star changes in a certain cycle. Radiation that comes from the nucleus of the sun pushes its core outside. And when the outer core expands pressure in the nucleus of the sun decreases. That causes nuclear fusion in the sun to turn weaker. Then gravitation starts to pull the core of the sun inside. And that increases nuclear fusion. Until that cycle starts again. 

Other things can cause an increase in the energy production of the sun. One thing is that the energy pike that comes from a neutron star or black hole impacts the sun. That thing can cause an increase in the nuclear reaction because those X- or gamma-ray impulses can increase the sun's temperature. That means many things can cause risks for electronic components. 

The new type of satellites are using lots of miniaturized microelectronics. That makes them very powerful tools. But those systems are vulnerable to electromagnetic impulses. So the fact is that we need a warning system also against the energy pulses that are coming outside our solar system. The energy beam must not hit the sun itself. 

The energy that hit the high-energy plasma in corona can cause devastating effects. The thing is that plasma sends energy quantum when the energy impulse or energy stress ends. 

That means that if some energy stress ends that thing can also cause devastating energy impulses. If some pulsar would send radio waves to corona for hundreds of years, and then that neutron star suddenly turns away. That thing can also cause massive energy bursts from the corona. 

Things like gravitational waves can affect things like quantum computers. But the plasma- or radio beam that hits the solar system can also cause problems. And if some X- or gamma-ray impulse hits the sun or plasma around it. The energy impulse is always interaction. Even if a high-energy beam hits the plasma around the sun that thing can adjust the plasma to a higher energy level. And then it sends energy impulses that can be devastating.

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