Monday, September 19, 2022

Lunar cruisers and antimatter.


Lunar cruisers can be more capable systems than nobody ever thought. That planetary rover can also use as the antimatter plant. The system can create antimatter from the solar wind. As I wrote many times before the Lunar cruiser can create antimatter by making the beta-radiation (electrons) travel through the thin gold layer. That thing will turn the spin of electrons. And that turns electrons into positrons.

The futuristic antimatter spacecraft can look like the Nerva system that is drawn in image two. In antimatter craft, those hydrogen bottles are replaced by using antimatter bottles. In those bottles, the magnetic field pushes positrons away from the layer.


Image: Pinterest

Then those positrons can separate from the captured particles by using a magnetic field. Then positrons will be put into a magnetic bottle.

In that system, the magnetic field pushes positrons keeping them away from its layer. If positrons touch electrons that thing causes annihilation. The vehicle can use antimatter in its systems as fuel.

But that system can use to create antimatter for antimatter crafts. The idea is that the system would replace hydrogen tanks by using antimatter bottles. Antimatter engines can open roads to the entire solar system and even farther. The antimatter engine itself is like every rocket engine. But the reaction that is used in that engine is the antimatter-material collimation. That collimation causes an energy load that is the highest possible.

More about this topic.

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