The description of dark energy is simple. There is too much energy in the universe.
Sometimes some researchers say that stars are shining too brightly. And that thing means there is some kind of unknown external or internal source for mysterious dark energy. Or actually, dark energy is no mystery at all. Its wave motion which source is unknown. But what is the source of that mysterious wave motion?
There is a couple of explanations for dark energy.
1) Dark energy could be the wave motion that is coming outside the universe. That means there should be some energy sources that make this thing possible. So that thing (almost) proves the existence of the multiverse.
2) Dark energy could be the quantum soundwaves coming from the quarks and gluons. The strong nuclear force is the interaction between quarks and gluons. And when gluon travels between quarks it causes a similar effect to the hammer that hits metal balls.
In this model, there are two different types of dark energy.
A) Gluons are sending short-wave dark energy
B) Quarks can be the source of long-wave dark energy.
So dark energy can be radiation that comes from the gluons and quarks. And if we are thinking about the wavelengths of that radiation the shorter wavelength that comes from the gluons can be the hot dark energy. And the radiation that comes from the quarks is cold dark energy with a longer wavelength.
3) There is an unknown source of dark energy. And that source could be graviton or some more exotic particle than we ever modeled before. Graviton is the source of gravitational waves if that particle existed. So if the graviton exists the place of that, still hypothetical particle is (almost certainly) between the gluon and quark.
If graviton exists that could be extremely short living. If graviton is like the quantum spark that turns to wave motion immediately. That thing explains many things. That explains why we cannot observe gravitons. In that model, graviton turns wave motion immediately when it releases from its position.
So that means graviton could be the chameleon particle. That we are looking for. In that model, the graviton is in all particles that have mass. But when graviton is released, it turns to wave motion.
When graviton collapses it could pull another hypothetical tachyon particle into our universe.
Or there is the possibility that when graviton collapse. That thing pulls the hypothetical tachyon particle from another dimension to our universe. As I many times wrote before, the dimension is energy level. In the same way, we can think that speed is also energy level.
Tachyons are hypothetical "faster than light" particles. But otherwise thinking we might say that tachyons are particles whose energy level is too high that we cannot observe them. So that means those tachyons are a little bit less exotic than we expected.
Dark energy simply means that there is too much energy in the universe.
What is dark energy? The answer for that is dark energy is wave motion that rips the universe into pieces. So description for dark energy can be that there is too much energy in the universe. And that means dark energy is wave motion whose source is unknown.
One thing in dark energy is simple. It exists. Or the force that rips the universe into pieces exists. And that thing is one of the biggest questions in astronomy. What causes this strange wave motion that rips the universe into pieces?
Dark energy shows that the standard model of physics is incomplete. The reason for that is that we cannot make a complete model of the system without complete information about that system. If some part of the system is missing the observation cannot match with theoretical models.
The thing that makes dark energy interesting is that in quantum systems is one rule. Any system itself cannot create energy. It just can transform the form of the energy. So all extra energy that comes to the system must come outside of the system. Or if there are no other systems there must be an unknown component in the system that is the source of that energy.
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