In the beginning, there is one thing that we must realize. Measuring the speed of light is impossible. The reason for that is that we should know the precise value of that thing. The speed of light is not stable. It depends on the medium where photons or light travel. Space is not a vacuum. It's full of particles and electromagnetic fields like radio waves, electrons, and photons. Those particles cause electromagnetic friction, which slows particles.
The scattering effect where electromagnetic wave motion comes from particles makes a similar effect with air molecules on larger scale systems. That thing causes the network of radiation that slows the object's speed.
In the beginning, there is one thing that we must realize. Measuring the speed of light is impossible. The reason for that is that we should know the precise value of that thing. The speed of light is not stable. It depends on the medium where photons or light travel.
The problem with all theories is that their limit is in the speed of light. The speed of light is a cosmic constant. Normally we think that the speed of light is 299,792,458 m/s. And nothing can travel faster than it. Except if the particle is in the gravitation field of the black hole. The black hole will pull even photons inside it. The escaping velocity is directly proportional to the speed of the falling object.
So in that way, thinking particles can cross the speed of light inside the Schwarzschild radius or event horizon in the black hole. The event horizon is the point where escaping velocity crosses the speed of light. But then we can think that inside the black hole or event horizon all particles including photons are traveling at the same speed.
But when we are thinking about the form of speed we can determine that thing by using the term kinetic energy. When speed rises the mass and energy of the object rise. And that means there is some kind of energy that will move to that object. So the rise of kinetic energy requires that an object impacts something.
Those things can be other particles, superstrings, and photons. Whenever a particle hits some other particle or superstring energy travels between those particles. And if the traveling particle has a lower energy level than the "stable particle" that means energy travels to that particle that is at the lower energy level.
When the particle's speed rises near the speed of light. The only particle that can transfer energy to that object is a photon. That's why we cannot cross the speed of light in classic physics. The thing is that the object cannot reach the speed of the photon is that the diameter of photons is so small.
And the surface area of the other objects is so large that energy flows away from other particles from so large areas that photons cannot replace that energy. When energy starts to flow away from a particle its speed decreases.
So how to say speed another way? Can we say that determination for the speed is the number of impacts with photons at a certain time?
The fact is that the speed of light is not stable. It is relatively constant. The speed of light is different in water than in air and the thin plasma of space. So if we want to create conditions where all particles are traveling at the same speed as photons we must only remove plasma or gas away from the route of the object. So if we want to cross the speed of light we must just create a channel there is an absolute vacuum or all particles and quantum fields are removed.
The time paradox by Albert Einstein is the limit that makes us hard to imagine crossing the speed of light. Time dilation or the thing where time moves slower when the speed of particle increases is a problematic thing because the limit of that model is the speed of light. When a particle reaches the speed of light time stops.
And if the speed of the particle crosses the speed of light that means the time should turn to travel backward. The reason for that is that the particle travels through quantum fields so often that it will load new energy onto it. And that thing decreases the vaporization or the particle's changing to wave motion.
But then we can start to think of time dilation another way. Increasing the energy level of the particle also slows time on it. When the energy level increases level where escaping velocity is the same as the speed of light, the particle will not age anymore.
And when the escaping velocity turns higher than the speed of light, the particle will turn younger. The reason for that is that the particle will not let energy or wave motion escape from it.
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