The water worlds are more common than we thought. So could the hypothetical planet X be the frozen zombie planet there are no internal nuclear reactions? There are plans to send a probe for searching that mysterious object which causes the errors in the trajectory of Neptune. Could that thing be the frozen water world there are no internal nuclear reactions? The thing that makes this hypothetical planet interesting is that it's invisible.
Water worlds or planets that are covered by a water layer are more common than anybody expected. The water worlds can be planets there is liquid water. But there is also the possibility. That large-size objects are forming from ice. So in some theories, the mysterious "Planet X" is the frozen water world. In that case, hundreds of kilometers deep of ice can cover a large part of that planet.
But in the case of "Planet X," we should talk rather about the "gravitational effect X" than some planets. One of the explanations why we cannot see hypothetical "planet X" is that the planet is so old that in its nucleus is no radioactive material left. And its nucleus is turning cold. In that case, the planet will not send its radiation at all. That means it's impossible to detect by using infrared.
But when we are thinking about the water worlds there is one thing that can make them hard to detect. Water has one quantum state that we don't remember. That molecule is polar. So that means if the planet's magnetic field is very strong. It can turn water molecules in the same way.
Two things can keep water liquid on hot planets. The first thing is gravitation. In an exoplanet, Gliese 436 gravitation causes the ice core covers the entire planet. Which surface temperature is over 400 degrees Celsius. And the second thing is the strong magnetic field. The strong magnetic field can also deny water vaporization.
A strong magnetic- or gravitational field can turn the entire planet superconducting. That means the magnetic or gravitational field can remove oscillation from the minerals and other materials. And that thing turns planet superconducting. In that case, radiowaves can travel through this planet.
The thing that can make the planet invisible is (almost) 100% reflection. There is a possibility that a certain level of radiation reflection creates a shockwave or standing wave above the layer. In that case, the standing wave motion will drive a large part of incoming radiation through that planet. And that thing makes it harder to detect.
In that case, reflection impacts incoming radiation with the same power. Or the material will pull most of the radiation in it. And in that case, there is a possibility that the outcoming radiation pushes reflection back on that planet. We must remember that things like hypothetical "planet X" are extremely cold objects.
And in that case, the oxygen or hydrogen atoms can turn outside. This thing forms a magnetic monopole. If the water is in the direction where all molecules are in the same direction it can turn the object hard to detect. In that case, there is no other emission than oxygen or hydrogen.
If the temperature of the planet is extremely low. That planet turns into a superconductor. The superconducting planet could let radio waves travel through it. And in another case, the strong gravitational field can turn the planet superconducting. Superconduction means that the atoms or molecules are locked and their oscillation is removed.
Normally researchers make that thing by decreasing the temperature. But also strong gravitation or a strong magnetic field can turn planet superconducting.
Image: NASA
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