Saturday, September 17, 2022

Archimedes screw, perpetual motion machines, UFOs. And other strange ideas.


Is this some kind of ancient generator?

The image above this text portrays the "Perpetual motion machine" that bases the Archimedean screw. Some people are introduced that the X-shaped" thing outside this system is some kind of satellite. That thing could explain why this system that can work by benefiting the pressure difference uses the Archimedean screw. The screw would be some kind of generator. So what if the operators put magnetic iron powder to flow in that Archimedean screw? In that case, the magnetic iron powder acts as the rotor. And the screw as the stator.

But there is the possibility that the creators of this model used mercury. The mercury where is conducted electricity from crystals would put to flow in the Archimedean screw. And that thing would make that thing the ancient electric generator. So would that "satellite-looking object" be the bottle where the small dose of mercury will load with electricity? And then those drops will drop to that mercury pool. Then the kinetic energy will start to transfer energy to that flowing mercury.

Archimedes' screw is one of the most interesting inventions in history. The system introduced above this text is the "self perpetual machine". In that system, the lower pressure will pull water to the top of that screw. And then water drops to the wheel. So that system is not a self-perpetual machine. It works with pressure difference. And we know that perpetual motion machines are not working on Earth.

And the reason for that is friction. But the interesting thing is where the creators of that drawing even needed that screw? The straight tube that pulls water over the wheel would be enough for that system. So Archimedes' screw is the unnecessary part that makes the system more complicated than it should be.

The wheel is enough for the generator. But there is the possibility that the Archimedean screw acts as the electric wire collector. That purpose is to increase the voltage of the electricity.

But Archimedes' screw has been given an idea of rotation detonation or rotation ion engine. In the rotation detonation engine, the explosion will happen in the screw. And that thing could increase the speed of exhaust gas. The chemical rocket engine pushes the rocket forward against the front wall of the chamber.

Another version of that engine is the ion system. Ions travel in the screw. Then the energy will pump to those ions from the sides. That thing increases the pushing effect of the ion flow.

The problem with the ion engine is that it will not push against the front wall of the chamber. Without that effect, the thrust of the ion engines is so weak.

One hypothetical model of the UFO is based on the rotation ion system.

In the image above this part of the text is the UFO that the French air force photographed over Rouen in 1954. Could that thing be the front part of some modular aviation system? In that system, the saucer-shaped crafts would be in the cigar-shaped structure. Those saucers could form an ion whirl around them. And act as the engine system.

In that theoretical system model, UFO's mast ionizes the gas in front of it. Then the system pulls that ionized gas into the tube. There are two channels for the ions flow.

Another channel is outside the saucer-shaped craft. And the internal channel travels through those saucers. There are magnetic accelerators in those channels which makes them particle accelerators. And those systems can be powerful if they have a suitable power source.

Especially if they are equipped with nuclear reactors. In this sports model, each saucer has its nuclear reactor. The nuclear reactors that use synthetic radioactive isotopes like highly enriched plutonium or neptunium can be very small-size.

The system can use the laser to maintain nuclear fission. And the beta radiation from that system can be conducted to gold leaf. That thin gold layer changes the spin of some of the electrons. And that turns those electrons into positrons. And those positrons can use in antimatter engines.

There is one theory about the UFOs that connected with the Archimedean screw. That theory is that the plate- or saucer-looking crafts are inside the cigar- or cylinder-looking mothership. So the saucer-looking crafts act as the internal structure of that cylinder. The ion whirl would travel around those saucers that are acting as the ion accelerators.

That means that those systems are modular. The outer edge of the saucers is making the ions whirl around them. And then that system makes Tipler-cylinder around it. The speed of whirling plasma could be almost the speed of light. And then that system pulls another ion flow through it. This thing could make the time dilation.

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