Thursday, September 1, 2022

Is dark energy some kind of version of the Meissner effect?


Could hypothetical graviton act like magnetic monopoles? 

There is one thing that we might forget. Could mysterious graviton be the monopole? That means the gravitons are monopoles that are pushing each other. 

The direction where the gravitation effect moves particles depends on the size of the graviton clouds that both push particles away from each other. The larger graviton group wins the game and pushes the object through the smaller graviton cloud. 

If gravitons act like magnetic monopoles, that can explain why the universe expands. But that thing requires that graviton exists. Graviton could be a particle that acts like a magnetic monopole. That means the gravitation is the repelling force. And the direction of the gravitation depends on the size of the graviton clouds. The larger graviton cloud pushes particles through the smaller graviton cloud. But if the graviton cloud is symmetric that means gravitons will push each other away. 

Gravitation is wave motion. So the graviton particle should exist. If graviton acts like a magnetic monopole that can also explain, why those particles are hard to detect. They can flow above the layer or impact it. And that makes those measurements impossible. 


Could the image above this text explain why dark energy pushes the universe larger? When wave motion will travel over the particle it forms an electromagnetic vacuum ahead of the particle. That thing could explain why the dark energy cannot interact. The idea is that dark energy is simply the electromagnetic vacuum that pulls particles ahead. 

In some other visions, the dark energy is the mirror force of some very well-known interactions. There is the theory that all forces have mirror forces. Like all particles have mirror-or anti-particle pair. All mirror effects except mirror gravitation are found. As an example in the mirror-version of the weak nuclear interaction, W and Z, bosons changed their role. That thing rips the atom's nucleus into pieces. 

But why does gravitation has no opposite force? The thing is that there should be a mysterious graviton. The transporter particle of the gravitation. The problem is that graviton is a purely hypothetical particle. If we are thinking that all forces are similar to electromagnetism, they all should have pull and pushing effects. 

One of the explanations for dark energy is that it could be similar to the Meissner effect. When wave motion crosses the particle it makes an electromagnetic vacuum at the opposite side of that particle. The thing in the Meissner effect is that the airflow together with energy transfer is levitating objects above the superconducting layer. 

So maybe dark energy is a similar effect but the thing that is making that affect different is that the size of interacting particles is different and the time of wave motion effect to the particle is far longer than on Earth. 

When wave motion hits a particle it pushes it forward. Or otherways saying the electromagnetic vacuum at the opposite side will make the object travel through space. That effect continues even in the millennium. 

That means the electromagnetic vacuum in the direction where that particle moves will turn deeper. And the side-coming wave motion increases the energy level of that particle. So the particle is like in Warp-drive. When that kind of particle whose energy level is hyper-high travels in the universe it sends wave motion. 

But when an extremely fast particle travels in the universe it makes a channel behind it. When that electromagnetic turbulence channel will be filled air molecules fill the channel behind the aircraft. In that case, the wave motion makes the same thing. When the wave motion or some extremely small particles crosses that channel their speed can increase faster than the cosmic speed limit in other places in the universe. 

That means the dark energy would form when particles or wave motion crosses the extremely thin electromagnetic vacuum channels. That channel is so thin. That the channel goes through the particle. And that motion is so small that it's hard to detect. In some other versions of this idea is that the super-fast particles are making a vacuum behind them. And those vacuums are pulling the universe larger. 

The particle itself is within the limit for turning into a quantum-size black hole. So in some models, the dark energy is the radiation that comes from quantum-size black holes. 

And sooner or later the particle would send photons to the electromagnetic vacuum. Those photons are traveling faster than other photons. When they hit to quantum field those photons will slow sending wave motion. So could that wave motion be the reason for dark energy? 

See also:

Dark energy


Meissner effect

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