Wednesday, September 7, 2022

The chameleon effect, what is it?

The chameleon effect is the thing that involves other effects in the system. There are two versions of that effect. 

1) Specific chameleon

2) Scaled chameleon. 

The specific or unique chameleon effect is the effect that involves two particles or objects. That chameleon is easy to detect because it rises or decreases the state of only a few objects in the system. And that makes those couple of objects more visible or brighter than others. And we know many specific chameleons, like the interaction between electrons and air molecules during lightning. 

But scaled chameleons also exist. The best example of scaled chameleons is gravitation. That effect affects all particles in the same way. The scaled chameleon affects the entire system. And that makes it hard to detect if an observer is inside the system. So this is the reason why we are hard to notice things like gravitons. Gravitons are too often that we cannot separate them from quantum porridge. 

Scaled chameleons are hard to detect inside the system. But if the observer looks at the system from the outside. The changes in the energy level of the entirety are easy to see. But observers cannot see the thing that causes those changes. 

If we look at the image above this text (M.C Escher's "Waterfall") we can see that the water flow is the chameleon that dominates the system. If the water flow will cut the observer sees that the water flow ends. But the reason for that remains unknown. 

Dark matter and gravitation. 

If painting "Waterfall" would be the real situation. The sound of water would be the chameleon effect. The chameleon effect is thing that is common for all actors in the system. The system or its borders limits the chameleon effect. If some chameleon effect or some chameleon particle can slip outside the system to another system. That means those things are the connectors between two quantum systems. And in the interaction of visible and dark matter gravitation is the effect that interconnects those two materials. The thing is that the dark and visible materials are different quantum systems. 

The gravitation interconnects those systems. And that is the smallest possible actor between those things. So if gravitation is the wave motion that has a source called graviton that means both quantum systems dark matter and visible matter contain gravitons. The problem is that nobody has seen gravitons yet. But if gravitation is a similar force to others. That thing means that gravitation has particle and wave-motion forms like all other fundamental forces. 

But is "Dark Energy" some kind of chameleon force? 

Dark Energy is one example of the chameleon effect. It affects everything but we cannot see its source. But we forget that the chameleon effect is not the same as independent fundamental interaction or fundamental force. Also, things like gravitation and electromagnetism are chameleon forces. 

And Dark Energy is the wave motion, which source is unknown. All fundamental forces are somehow waving motion. But the thing is that the chameleon force is not necessarily independent. It might be the wave motion that is outside the visible electromagnetic spectrum. 

The thing that makes dark energy interesting is that it affects large entireties. There is the possibility that dark energy is the wave motion that is coming out from quarks or gluons. That means that dark energy has a chameleon effect. But it will not necessarily be an independent force. It would be wave motion that affects straight to gluons or quarks. 

So if we think of the wave motion as the superstring, we could explain the dark energy. 

In some visions, the dark energy is like some kind of paperclip that hovers above paper. The paper is the large-size wave motion. And the paper clip is dark energy. When that paper hits the wall that paper clip impacts also the potential wall and causes an energy anomaly. Or otherwise, the dark energy could be like that paper. And visible energy is the paperclip that hovers above very long wave motion. 

In this text superstrings and wave motion mean the same thing. In fact, in dark energy theories, the dark energy can be on both sides of the visible electromagnetic spectrum. So its wave motion has a longer wavelength than the longest radio waves. And then another side of that mystic energy has a shorter wavelength than gamma- and x-rays. So in this model, there are two types of dark energy. 

1) Hot dark energy has an extremely high energy level and shorter wavelength than gamma rays. 

2) Cold dark energy with an extremely long wavelength and low energy level. 

But then we can think of dark energy as a very small superstring that hovers above the other superstrings. Or otherwise, other superstrings are hovering above extremely long superstrings. Those superstrings are wave motions whose wavelength would be shorter than gamma rays. Or longer, than the longest radio waves. 

So in those cases, the shorter wavelengths can ride hovering above the longer wavelengths. That longer wavelength or longer superstring denies the interaction between the shorter wave motion or shorter superstring and the environment. When a longer superstring hits something that causes it will start to stretch. And then that shorter superstring hits the wall causing an anomaly in the energy level. 

Image: Pinterest

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