Sunday, September 11, 2022

Could it be possible that dark matter is a group of a quantum-size black holes?

Theoretically, quantum-size black holes can make atom-like structures. They could have electron cores around them. But also things like superstrings and neutrinos can orbit that thing that is the pure hypothetical thing. If a superstring starts to orbit a quantum-size black hole, it forms a ring around that object. 

And that ring would push wave moves away from the structure. The reason for that is this ring is at a higher energy level than other superstrings. This thing causes it throws wave motion away from that dark object without causing interaction. 

Hypothetical quantum-size black holes are interesting things. There is the possibility that those smaller-than quarks objects have the electron cores like so-called "real atoms". That means that those quantum-size black holes can form a material that is invisible to us. So can the quantum-size black holes answer the question, what is the mysterious gravitational effect called dark matter? 

If those quantum-size black holes are real. They can also explain some parts of dark energy. In that case, those black holes will accelerate superstrings or some other particles like neutrinos to an extremely high speed. Those particles can impact with wave motion like X- or gamma-rays. And they can send energy impulses during that interaction. 

There is theoretically possible that protons, neutrons, or electrons can turn into a quantum-size black hole. When we are thinking about the form of dark matter, there is the theoretical possibility that cosmic radiation turns the hydrogen atom's proton into a quantum-size black hole. And then there is the possibility that the electron starts to orbit that theoretical black hole. 

The quantum-size black holes can be very hard to detect because radiation and other wave motions are traveling around that particle or its quantum field. There is the possibility, that the quantum fields of that quantum-size black hole and its orbiting electrons are so powerful that they just push other wave motion and photons pass that thing. 

If there are quantum-size black holes that have an electron core that thing would be one of the most interesting things in the world. That hypothetical system can explain why we cannot see dark matter. The wave motion will travel past that system. And because the black hole is too heavy. That thing means that wave motion cannot shake its quantum fields and cause reflection. So that thing makes that matter stealthily or unable to interact with other particles.

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