Saturday, September 3, 2022

Single cells are more intelligent than researchers expected.

"To divide or not? Individual cells make their decisions much more autonomously than previously thought". ( Cells Are More Intelligent Than Scientists Previously Thought)

DNA can be the ultimate medicine of the future. Theoretically, the researchers can create DNA bites that are ordering bacteria to leave the body. Or they can create the DNA bites that are ordering cancer cells to die. 

The idea that bases the new research that is telling that single cells are more intelligent than scientists previously thought. The research is published in There is a link to that article below this text. 

Bacteria have chemical brains in their DNA plasmids. The mission of those plasmids is to control the everyday actions of bacteria. But now researchers of the University of Zurich are seen that also other cells have an intelligent control system that is based on the DNA molecule or some yet unknown chemicals. 

The researchers say that the cells are making decisions by using both, outside and inside factors. And another thing is that cells are more intelligent so they can make more complicated decisions than scientists predicted. Those decisions are, of course, when cells need to divide. 

But there is the possibility that this ability to make choices by using internal factors explains why some medicals are not effective against cancer. Or how bacteria turn resistant to antibiotics. In that model, cells are learning to avoid some chemicals like antibiotics. 

So, we can make the hypothesis that bacteria and other cells are exchanging more complicated information than we even thought. In that hypothesis, the bacteria tell another individual what it just ate. And if the chemical signals of that bacteria are gone other bacteria know that some chemicals must not eat. 

The idea of learning cells is not new. We know that the immune defense is learning the dangerous antigens. The vaccines have based on the idea that the immune system learns to detect dangerous viruses. And then the immune system starts to attack viruses earlier than without a vaccine. 

But we know that bacteria and immune cells can exchange genetic material. Some bacteria or large immune cells have many nuclei. And those cells can transfer one of those nuclei to the other cells. When bacteria or other cells are changing genomes. They are discussing or changing information. The fact is that we don't know how complicated information those cells can exchange. 

Things like phobias are genetically heritable. We know that everybody is afraid of things like snakes and spiders. That thing is stored in the DNA of the people. But now we know that some other things are also written in that chemical memory. The information of learning cells helps researchers to find new ways to create new ways to give therapy for cancer or bacteria infections. 

And in the wildest dreams or imaginations in the future researchers just tell cells that they must stop dividing. Or they just tell harmful bacteria that they must leave patients alone. In that vision during the infection, the medical staff just creates the DNA bites that are ordering certain bacteria to leave the body. Or the DNA bites are just telling that cancer cells must die. But those things are part of the future.


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