Sunday, September 11, 2022

The near-the-death experiences are not "death experiences".

Researchers found the effect of some kind of psychedelic chemicals that the neural system can produce. Those chemicals are causing hallucinations that are making some people shamans. The purpose of those hallucinogens is to remove pain in extreme moments. Those chemicals are stronger than LSD. And they are linked to something extremely mysterious things. 

The psychedelic chemicals seem to have some kind of mission in the human nervous system. And one of those missions is to decrease pain and prepare people for extreme situations. There are many things that we don't know about nature. We know that there is an unknown and invisible world. 

But the fact is that researchers are for solving mysteries. And one of the biggest mysteries is why brain activity increases on both sides of death. We know that thoughts are the electric vortex. And the same way we can think that soul is an electric phenomenon. 

So the brain is the hardware, and that electric vortex called the soul is the operating system of the thing that we call the brain. There is magnesite in neurons. That mineral makes the grey color of neurons. And it's mission could be to transport electric impulses inside neurons. But magnesite also causes the nervous system can receive electromagnetic signals. 

The fact is that the things that happen at the moment of death are interesting and same time creepy. At the moment of death, the brain activity of the dying person increases. And after the exit is the second hill in the EEG curves. Some people say that it seems like something whips off the memories during that process. 

And at this moment I must say one thing. The near-death experience is not the same thing as death. Nobody came from death to tell people what is happening in that place. And we know that there are many things in the brain that are unknown to us. 

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