Monday, September 26, 2022

Leopards don't play chess.

Consciousness is not intelligence. When we are talking about consciousness, we must understand one thing. Almost all animals in the world have consciousness. That means things like leopards are defending themselves and their descendants if they are under attack. 

Those animals hunt for eating, but when we are looking at that thing more carefully, we can notice that those cats are making all things in the same way. Reflexes control every action of those animals. 

Reflexes are the things that are automatized actions. And those automatized actions cause animals like hedgehogs are dying under cars. The reason for that is those animals are defending themselves by using pikes. Those pikes not planned to stand against cars. And that causes death for those animals. 

Even bacteria can react to attack. It has a chemical brain in the form of the DNA plasmid. And when something damages the membrane of bacteria. It "knows" how to react to that thing. There are chemical marks in the proteins and if some of those marks are released in the bacteria's cell it turns the DNA plasmid in the position where orders for that kind of situation are. That means the bacteria know if the thing that causes the problem is some kind of acid or base. And that adjusts the metabolism to neutralize that chemical. 

Bacteria can work as a chemical quantum computer. 

There is one vision that might interest somebody. That is that it is possible. That bacteria can transform into a chemical quantum computer. In that case, the system stores data in the DNA. Then that DNA will be cut into pieces and sent to bacteria. In that case, the system can work like an electric quantum computer. Data will be cut into pieces and stored in qubits. 

In this chemical quantum computer data travels in the chemical form. And then those bacteria reconnect the DNA-based data to the new entirety. That chemical quantum computer is purely hypothetical. But that opens interesting visions to bacteria that can act as biorobots and make complicated missions. 

But as you see, those things are not intelligent either. The bacteria answers to the threat by using preprogrammed methods. So also bacteria use reflexes. 

When we are thinking about intelligence there is the possibility that things like artificial intelligence are making things better than humans. The computer can play chess better than humans. The networked AI can make things better than humans in the R&D process. 

The R&D process has two main stages.

1) Research

2) Development

The research stage contains the ideas where the company or development team selects the product that started to develop. In the first stage, multiple people with different backgrounds are working with that thing. They must have diversity to make multiple ideas. And there is chosen one thing that seems the best. 

In the development stage, the diversity of the team will be terminated. And the team turns to mono-diverse. In the development process, the team got the goal. And people who continue with this solution must have the training to work with that thing. They might all be some software and avionics specialists if they are working on the aircraft project. 

At that point, the research turns to development. And only the people whose training is suitable for the development stage are continue with the project. 

The networked AI can look for information about certain and limited things. They might make aircraft if they have the certain values, that the system needs to accomplish the operation. They might have the ability to make virtual simulations by following certain parameters. But the fact is that this kind of system cannot make anything then make aircraft. 

Intelligence means that system has a flexible ability to make decisions. The flexibility means that system can make solutions and collect information outside a certain sector. 

Walking on streets and going shopping are more complicated things to AI than creating aircraft. The reason for that is walking on streets contains many surprising and unexpected elements. Making technical plans happens under certain rules. And in that process, there are no surprise elements. 

There is the possibility that the AI can operate as a military commander. But the problem with that thing is that the Ai will disregard losses. If something tells AI to make some things, the AI will not resist that thing. The only thing that AI cares about is the orders that it will get.

But are those intelligent systems conscious? The fact is they are not conscious. If somebody cuts electricity those systems are not understood to deny that thing. Of course, the system might connect to the surveillance camera. And if somebody touches the electric switch. The system can say that "please don't touch that switch". But that thing is the reflex. 

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