Saturday, January 1, 2022

Why do we research history?

 Why do we research history?

We should learn from things that were made in past. 

Why do we research history? History is a series of things that happened in the past. Those things that are happened in history can use to make models for the future. Research of history is the thing. That purpose is to find the things that will happen in the future. The key question in the history research is to find answers for the questions like "what made something happen"? 

What mistakes were made in cases that are under the research? And what did people learn about those cases? Another thing is that that the purpose of the research of history is to find the answer to the question "what should we do in similar cases"? What went wrong? And what went right? 

When we are thinking about questions like "which side had better generals Confederate or Union side in the United States civil war?". We must realize that the thing that fights is the entirety. Even the best generals in the world cannot win battles alone. In those cases also henchmen are playing roles. If the henchmen don't have the equipment, will, or skills to use weapons. The battle is lost. 

When we are thinking questions "what should we do" in those cases when something has happened. We must remember that when we are looking at history. We might know all answers. We might think that the King of Sweden Charles XII of Sweden. Should not advance to Poltava, where he faced Peter the Great army. 

But the King of Sweden didn't have the same knowledge that we have today. Today we can go to the library and find history books that are telling about the history of Sweden. And there are all answers. But Charles XII acted by using the information that he had. And that was the mistake. 

When we are looking at history we are easy to justify people. Those people made mistakes. And we would be different. And at this point, I must say one thing. In history, people acted by using the information that they had. They lived in different types of society. When they made their decisions they cannot look at results from the library. 

Today history repeats itself. We are thinking that joining the common currency of the European Union Euro was a mistake. The fact is that the Euro planned to be the virtual currency. Which purpose was to help to compile prices. But it turned to real currency. When countries joined the Euro nobody criticized that thing. There was the biggest boom in the history of Europe.

And people wanted to join that boom. But they forgot that even the biggest and strongest economies will face bear markets. So when the bear markets begin that kind of thing will cause things like bankruptcies and unemployment. What do we learn about Euro? When we are middle of the booms we can join everything. But when the boom is over. We still are in the system. 

We can of course, always step out from Euro. That kind of signal would please Russian leaders very much. When we joined Euro nobody said anything against that decision. But now Euro is facing criticism. And of course, we are independent nations who can always start to think about their national interest. We all can step out from Euro immediately, and maybe we are facing a new bull market. But then sooner or later our economy will face a bear market. 

And in that case, we can search for friends. Of course, we can always let those loans that are taken from the EU without paying and then ask for more loans. We have the right to do that thing. But when we are asking for money. There should be somebody willing to offer that money to us. The thing is that when we are looking at history the best wisdom is the hindsight is the best wisdom. 

Now, today we can say wisely. We should not ever join Euro. We made a big mistake wise men say. But we always make mistakes. Only people who are not making anything are not making mistakes. And that is the fact. When we joined Euro nobody saw anything negative about that thing. Or those people said nothing against that thing. Where were the wise men when those political leaders made that decision?

Why did they keep their mouth shut? Why didn't they offer their advice when the nation joined Euro? Now the media is full of advisors who are telling that the Euro was the mistake? 

Today we can say that Euro should remain as the virtual currency. But people made the decision. By using information that was in use at that time. It's too late to cry. We are in Euro and that's it. And then we can make new decisions. 

Technology is advancing. And that brings new challenges and opportunities. 

Sometimes I have thought about what kind of decisions the King of Sweden Charles XII would make if that person had recon satellites? What if he would get confirmed information of his enemies?

At this point, I must say that we should not stare at history too much. Things like artificial intelligence are making it possible to return Euro to virtual currency or even delete that currency. The AI-based solutions offer possible to show the prices in multiple currencies. The modern internet has more capacity than some year 2000 version. And that thing makes it possible to make many things that were impossible in the year 1999. 

And if somebody is willing to pay with some other currency there is enough to put the bank card in the payment system. Then the system would change the price to the currency. That is in use in the country where the bank card is offered. The that we are living in the new era of history. And that era is full of threats and possibilities. Things like quantum computers would revolutionize data processing. And that is the thing that we should benefit more from in our life. Data processing and the internet are tools that began the revolution in the world. And that revolution continues today.

But when we are making decisions we should understand that they all have effects. We cannot make decisions undone. The decisions are made by using data. That was in use at that time.  And that's it. We cannot retake time and make them undone. But maybe we can learn something from history. And maybe, we should listen to more people when we are making some decisions in tomorrow world. And then we must say that somebody will pay the price. When some person gets something. That affects everything.

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