The thing that is why the aircraft speed cannot increase endlessly is friction. But another reason is that the firefront turns backward in the engine. This is the reason why hypersonic aircraft requires the engine type called scramjet.
The problem with the scramjet engine is that it can start only when the speed of the aircraft is about Mach 6. The scramjet is only the tube where a certain form causes friction. And that ignites the fuel and oxygen mixture. There is the possibility to equip the scramjet engine with an iris that closes the air inlet.
That allows combining the rocket engine and scramjet. When the hypersonic aircraft will take off. It can use rocket scramjet in the rocket mode. In that period the rocket scramjet uses internal oxygen. And when the speed of the aircraft is high enough it can turn to use the oxygen from the air. That kind of aircraft can operate in the atmosphere but it can also operate at the orbital trajectory.
The scramjet system can equip with a regular jet engine. That allows the hypersonic aircraft or hybrid aircraft-shuttle to use the same airborne refueling system with other aircraft. And the fuel for those systems can be liquid hydrogen or some hydrocarbon.
But when we are thinking about the speed of the aircraft. The aircraft or rocket cannot travel faster than its exhaust gas. One version for increasing the speed of the exhaust gas. Is to make the vacuum behind the aircraft or rocket. The problem with jet engines. Is that the firefront is moving backward when the speed is increasing. In this text term "jet engine" means turbojets, ramjets, scramjets, rocket ramjets, and rocket scramjets.
One version of the system that can increase the speed of the aircraft is to use adjusting the distance of the fuel injection and combustion chamber. And in some versions, the scramjet or ramjets can use the electric arcs for fuel ignition. In those systems, the fuel injector is at the front of the engine. Electric arcs are in the air inlet of the engine. And that means the fuel injector is at the forward of the engine.
Things like plasma engines can increase the speed of the aircraft. The plasma-ion engine means that the gas is ionized at the front of the engine. And then the magnetic accelerators will pull the ionized gas through the engine. That kind of system can be extremely fast. Another name for the plasma-ion engine is the MDD (Magnetodynamic drive).
The idea for the WARP-spacecraft is coming from the submarines.
MDD is another name for the magnetohydrodynamic drive (MHD). The MHD is operating only in water. But a similar system can also operate airborne and even in space. The system is simple pulling ions in the tube and then those ions exit behind that tube. This thing makes thrust. And the thing in this type of engine is that they are silent. There are no moving parts and that thing gives an ability to make very fast submarines.
There is introduced an idea. That submarines can travel faster than the speed of sound. The idea is simply that the submarine will be closed in the air bubble. That will remove the friction of the water around it. And then the submarine can use MHD drive or simple rocket engines. Another version is to make the tornado at the front of the submarine. That tornado removes water from the front of it.
The quantum tornado can use to make the wormhole. And that quantum tornado can create by using the high energetic radiation.
The idea of the WARP engine is that the spacecraft is put in a bubble where are no quantum fields. Another version of the WARP bubble is the electromagnetic or giant quantum tornado that creates the synthetic wormhole ahead of the spacecraft. In some visions, the high-power X-rays can use to create an area. With no sideways are traveling electromagnetic waves. If those high-energy rays can turn to rotate. That could make the tornado where is no quantum fields.
The thing in WARP-systems the warp-bubbles are the electromagnetic vacuums in the space. Those systems are extremely dangerous. Because if those bubbles are forming around the object or particles that cause the energy is starting to travel faster to the environment from the material. That causes the material to turn to wave movement very fast.
The WARP bubble is pulling energy in itself. The reason for that is the energy is traveling to the lower energy area. That thing can cause a huge explosion. The thing that denies the material aging in the wormhole is that the object rides with its wave movement. Energy cannot travel away from the material. And that thing can make it possible that material exists until the existence of the wormhole ends.
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