The missing puzzle of material can be dark energy.
The source of the part of dark energy can be inside the black holes.
Black holes are the most incredible objects in the universe. Even light cannot escape from that monster. And that makes it impossible to get direct observations from that object. The only thing that makes black holes visible is X- or gamma-ray radiation.
But the black holes also send radiation. The material and energy that the black holes pull in them. Cause that the singularity o the event horizon of those things is oscillating.
Hawking radiation can be the key to dark energy.
There is Hawking radiation that is suspected of being emission radiation. That thing means there is some other radiation that heats the matter around black holes.
The black holes are pulling even wave movement inside them. So the dark energy must be the wave movement. And near black holes, the wave movements of visible and dark energy are in extremely dense condition.
In those extreme conditions. Near the event horizon. Is possible that dark energy interacts with visible energy. But there is the possibility that part of the radiation that causes Hawking's radiation is coming from the oscillation of the black holes.
If that radiation's source is in the oscillation of the event horizon. That means every single black hole is sending the radiation. That has a unique wavelength.
If the diameter of the black hole is 44 000 000 kilometers the wavelength of the radiation that the black hole sends would be 44000000 kilometers. (The radius of Sagittarius A is 22 000 000 km. So it sends radiation which wavelength is 44 000 000 km).
And that explains why we cannot receive that radiation. We don't have an antenna which length is 44000 000 km. And that means the radiation is invisible to us. If the black hole's diameter is 3 000 000 km that black hole sends the wave movement that wavelength is 3 000 000 km.
So black holes are acting like some extremely large elementary particles. And their event horizon is always oscillating. That oscillation sends radiation which wavelength is the same as the diameter of the black holes.
So as an example, the supermassive black hole Sagittarius A in our galaxy Milky Way sends the radiation which wavelength is the same as the diameter of the Sagittarius A. And that black hole origin radiation has a unique wavelength that depends on the size of the black hole. That thing means that the dark energy could be wave movement. Which wavelength is extremely long.
And that wavelength is unique for each black hole. And that could explain. What is a source of dark energy? Or at least part of it. Every particle in the universe is sending radiation with its diameter. And that means every black hole is sending radiation with its unique wavelength that is the same as the diameter of the event horizon.
Are the black holes the same as dark matter? And why does somebody believes that dark energy is the wave movement between particle of dark matter?
But when somebody is talking that dark matter is black holes they might not be quite right. They might be almost right. That means there might be hiding black holes in the universe that are sending so weak radiation that those X- or gamma-ray impulses are sinking in other radiation. That means part of the dark matter can simply hide in black holes. Which weight is higher than we thought. And maybe black holes are a more common phenomenon than nobody thought.
That means part of the dark matter can explain. By those "sleeping black holes". And another thing is: gravitation is the only known interaction between visible and dark matter.
So, dark matter can also form black holes. That means the natural explanation for dark energy is that is the wave movement. And the source of that dark wave movement is dark matter.
What is the final particle?
What is the final particle? Is that particle the thing that makes quarks form protons and neutrons? Protons and neutrons are hadronic particles like mesons. But what makes protons and neutrons stable? And mesons are not stable. The fact is that protons and neutrons are not lasting forever. And that means there are no stable particles in the universe. Even electrons and quarks are turning wave movement.
So particles are not forever and the only thing that is forever is wave movement. Or, finally, the wave movement is also turning straight. And we can discuss is anything lasting forever in the universe. Maybe wave movement to straight superstrings that are the final form of energy and material. But that thing is pure theory. The theory of the forming of material is those superstrings are impacting. And they turn to a structure that looks like a yarn ball. And the name of that structure is quark.
Is it possible that there are small mesons in the Fermion group of the Standard model?
Or maybe quarks or some of the quarks are not elementary particles at all. So those yarn balls might be something that forms quarks. If the thing that at least some of quarks are not elementary particles is true that thing is one of the most fundamental things in physics. Today quarks are described as elementary particles in the Fermion group.
But as you know that Standard model of physics requires adjustment. And there might be some other particles inside even the Higgs boson. Along with Muon G-2 anomaly and splitting photons. That thing makes me think that maybe some Fermions are also small mesons. Maybe there are lots of, yet unknown particles. And maybe even a photon is not an elementary particle. And if that is true it opens incredible visions to physics.
The mystery of hadrons
The mythic graviton particle or the transportation particle of gravitation is searched inside hadrons. That particle is not found yet. And that causes suspicion that graviton is more the power field than the particle. One of the explanations for graviton could be that the graviton is a quantum-size black hole. But that is pure theory.
The hadronic particles like protons and neutrons are the groups of sub-particles or elementary particles called quarks. Those particles are connected and between them are traveling particles called gluons. The question is, why those quarks are making stable connections?
What is the final particle that collects those quarks together as one entirety? Hadrons act like some elementary particle. And that means the connection between those quarks is extremely strong. That interaction is called "strong nuclear force" or "strong interaction".
There is the possibility that the "zero-point" energy keeps hadrons in one entirety.
There is the possibility that inside those three quarks is the area there is no energy at all. That thing is called an energy vacuum. In that case, the energy vacuum causes that the energy is traveling to the energy vacuum. In that case, the outcoming energy is pressing the quantum field of the hadrons.
The energy transfer to those quantum fields comes from the electron core. When outcoming radiation hits the electron cores or the most out the quantum field of atom that field will conduct that energy to the center of the atom.
The iron ball does the same thing if there are targeted radio waves. The energy transfer between atoms and the environment is interaction. The expansion of the universe is the reason why atoms are not forever.
The source of three-kelvin radiation is the material itself. Of course, some part of it is a remnant from the Big Bang. But also energy, that is flowing away from material takes part in that radiation.
The effect of expansion is that atoms are turning more energetic according to the universe. And energy is always traveling from the higher energy areas to lower energy spaces.
That quantum fields in the universe are turning weaker. That thing causes that also atoms are expanded because energy travels from higher energy atoms to lower energy space around them. That is the reason why there is so-called three-kelvin cosmic background radiation.
The source of the three-kelvin radiation is in the material itself. When the energy level around atoms decreases.
Those atoms are delivering extra energy in the form of photons and wave movement. That radiation is also expanding the universe itself. So that is one version of self-destruction.*
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