Monday, January 10, 2022

Can we someday create a wormhole?

Above this text is the 3D model of the teleport machine. Even if teleportation is possible in a short distance. That thing makes the revolution in quantum computers. But the thing is that if something is possible in the quantum world. The same effect can model to more complicated structures. 

The electromagnetic bridge between stars requires very much energy. So that means the system would not work until the ultimate energy source has been created.

Until that happens things like interstellar wormholes are imagination. The fact is that things like quantum computers were imagination until the first of them was ready for function. So maybe someday we can create the laser beam that can form the electromagnetic wormhole between stars. But the superposition between stars is also needed a very high energy level.  

The negative energy would make it possible to create the real wormhole. The negative energy would be energy that travels in the channel, where the quantum fields are removed. 

Because the internal structure of that hollow energy channel is less energetic than the core of the channel. That thing makes energy travel to the channel. And maybe that thing is making it possible to create a stable energy tunnel through the universe. 

When we are thinking about the wormhole. That is the channel through the universe. In that channel would be no quantum fields. So if we would go to the bubble or channel where is no quantum fields that means the energy is traveling outside the material very fast. That means the aging of the material is very fast. The fact is that if we are thinking about the hypothetical use of wormholes in interstellar travel. 

The speed of the craft would deny the aging. The speed of the object that travels in a wormhole is the same as photons. So energy cannot escape from that craft. 

The wormhole means the area where the pressure of quantum fields is lower than all around it. And that thing causes that the photons are starting to travel in those channels faster than outside them. The electromagnetic wormhole means the radiation channel like laser ray that will make the monotonic wave movement. 

Because there are no side-coming quantum fields. That thing makes the photons travel faster in those channels. So how to use those electromagnetic wormholes in the journey between extremely long distances. 

Even if those electromagnetic wormholes would be one-way highways. They can be used on extremely long journeys. That thing is possible by making two wormholes where radiation travels in different directions. The question is how to transform the electromagnetic wormholes to a channel where are no quantum fields? The answer would be in the skyrmions. At the first, the hollow laser or some other electromagnetic radiation beam would shoot to another solar system. 

That beam would isolate the internal area of it from the outside. Then the skyrmion would send through that channel. The idea is that this radiation whirl would pull energy from that electromagnetic wormhole. The energy is the quantum field that is slowing photons. And if that disturbing radiation is removed. That makes photons travel faster than outside the radiation channel.

Is it possible that H.G Wells's time machine will work?

As I am written many times before the most well-known model of the time machine is created by novelist H.G Wells in 1895. The thing that makes that thing mysterious is that Albert Einstein introduced his Theory of Special Relativity in 1905. And the time dilation came well-known by that theory. So the Einstein made his theory ten years after Wells introduced his novel "The Time Machine". 

The Wells time machine would use the fast-rotating plate for creating time dilation. So the question is how Wells knew that theoretical principle. The thing that the time machine that bases the time dilation can travel only forward in time is also a well-known thing. But there is two way to make the time machine return. The other is to surround that time machine with the gas whirl that travels the speed of light. The problem is that the centripetal force will rip the plate into pieces. 

And then the virtual speed of that plate will be cross the speed of light. In some other theoretical models. The speed of the axel would reach the speed of light. And the circular speed of that plate would turn higher than the speed of light. Or in some other versions, the time machine can travel only to the future until it would face the moment when the sun is exploding as a nova. 

That thing causes that the energy load to the time machine. Is turning it to travel backward of the time. So then the time machine would return to the moment when the Earth is born. And then it can travel back to the point when it started its journey. But as you see these kinds of things are pure theories.

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