Friday, January 7, 2022

Hacking the brains is needed for advanced robotics.


 Hacking the brains is needed for advanced robotics. 

Hacking the brains and creating synthetic memories is one of the biggest conspiracy theories in the world. The thing is that these kinds of things are under research and the purpose of that kind of technology, where brains are hacked or cracked is to fix brain damages. Hacking the brains is theoretically very simple. The researchers must only record the EEG from the brains and then connect that EEG signal to certain images. So this thing makes it possible to read dreams and affect them. 

The person would see images about things like animals or humans, and then the EEG will record while that process. Then the person looks at a longer film. And then the EEG that is recorded during that process. Will compile with the EEG records that are taken while the person looks at images. The problem is only if those EEG curves are unique. But if the EEG curves are similar there is the possibility to download things like dreams to the screen of computers. 

The thing is that hacking brains are giving the ultimate possibilities in many areas from science to the military. There is the possibility to educate people simply by inputting data into their brains. And the false memories are making it possible to give combat experience to soldiers before they even go to combat. But these kinds of systems are extremely dangerous in the wrong hands. 

There are visions of the external robot body. Brain hacking gives those systems the ability to communicate with the nervous system without borders. This kind of system requires brain hacking for working perfectly. 

Hacking the brain is needed for developing the prosthesis. That is reacting to nervous signals. The system must "only connect" certain EEG curves to certain movements. The same system can use to control robots and especially human-looking robots by using brain waves. The reason, why the human-shaped robot is easy to control by using the EEG. 

Is that the manipulators and the senses have the match in brains and robot body.  So that thing makes it possible to make a robot emulate the movements that the operator makes. If the system uses the signals taken from the brain areas. Which controls the person's movements the controlling that kind of system requires that person is moving. 

So the system that controls the EEG signal requires the brain tracks that are activating the neurons that are moving muscles. The problem with that kind of external body is that the person who is using them must move while using that robot. The system uses the signals that are taken from the movement centers. So making that kind of system using the system requires the data that activates the neurons that are moving muscles. 

The series of neuron activation while the person will move hands

1) Will to move hands will be sent 

X) To the transmitter-neuron sends that data to 

2) Neuron what is controlling muscles

So the series of actions that this kind of system needs to move robots. While a person sits on the chair is this:

1) Will to move hand or leg will be sent 

X)  to transmitter neurons

2) The robot control level

The problem is how to aim the signals of the transmitter neurons to the robot. That means that those signals must reroute to the robot without those signals can activate the neuron that controls muscles. But if the operator can move all the time. That thing is not the problem. 

Of course, muscles can be disabled, by using some medicals, but that thing is dangerous. And that means the system that controls the external bodies by using the EEG is a challenging but fascinating mission. 

The BCI (Brain-Computer Interfaces) are the key to BMI (Brain-Machine Interfaces). Those systems are control robots by using EEG. Normally the BCI is connected to the speech center in the human brain. And that thing transforms EEG to speech. The same system can use to control robots. The same signals that control the speech synthesizer can route to control robots. So when the operator thinks "robot move forward" the robot moves forward. 

The problem is. How the AI knows which commands are meant for the robot? The solution is taken from dog training. When trainers give commands to dogs they must separate the commands from common noise. 

Certain gestures or certain words predict those commands The purpose of those things is to tell the dog that commands are meant to it. The same problem is with robots. Robots must separate the commands that are given in purpose from other words. 

Before every command is a confirmation word. And the purpose of that prediction word is to route the command to the robot. 

Every order that is given to the robot is forwards the control word. That the AI recognizes that commands are meant for the robot. The same system can use voice commands. And the BCI is only the enhanced version of this system. 

The operator can use virtual reality sets and headphones to connect themselves to the robot. But there is the possibility to connect the robot to the body by using the neural connection that allows controlling robots straight with the EEG.


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