In this text, the main objective is in time as a physical phenomenon.
Albert Einstein once said that "time is an illusion". The thing is that nobody knows what the time is. People sometimes say that it's the vaporizing of material. In that theorem, vaporizing means that the material is oscillating.
The oscillation means that the distance between quarks inside protons and neutrons is chancing. The idea is that when the universe expands. The quantum field inside it turns weaker. And the distance of the quarks is also expanding. There are small particles called gluons between those quarks. When the distance of quarks is turning longer. And then they hit those quarks harder.
When Gluons are making the longer movement. That thing means that gluon hits the quarks with higher force all the time. And that increases the force of the wave movement. That also causes the expansion of the universe is also accelerating.
Whenever gluon, the transporter particle of the strong nuclear interaction hits quarks they are sending wave movement. Same way as the hammer hits the bell it sends the sound waves. In the quantum world, the soundwave is replaced by electromagnetic radiation. Radiation that comes from the material itself destroys the universe.
Time dilation can be the key to time.
When the speed or gravity field increases time dilates. That phenomenon has seen stars near supermassive black holes. There is a star where the minute is 100 seconds on Earth. The reason for that might be energy that travels to Sagittarius A. So what is the time dilation? We can think that the universe is full of quantum fields.
When the speed of the object increases. It passes more quantum fields at the same time as the slow-moving object. Every time the object faces the quantum field that loads energy to that object. So the extra energy means that the object is aging slower. The reason for that is that object will get a replacement for energy that it sends as the wave movement when gluons hit its quarks.
So can we someday travel in time? The fact is that means the time is real. In this text, I wrote the time as the physical phenomenon that is connected to the material. The thing is that we could make material younger simply by crossing the speed of light. Virtually that thing happens by driving the spacecraft against the wave movement that Sagittarius A pulls inside it. That wave movement is causing the time dilation in the stars near Sagittarius A and other black holes.
The time is always a little bit dilated. Every object in the universe has a gravitation field. That gravitation field causes the universe is bending. Gravitation is like a pothole And that thing means the arcing of the universe is the thing that causes time dilation.
And that pothole is surrounding all objects in the universe. The thing is that when the object is in the pothole the side coming radiation affects the pothole and pumps energy to the objects that are in that pothole.
Time dilation is not always some kind of extreme phenomenon. Objects are dilating time somehow. The reason why time is dilated is that there are more quantum fields inside that pothole. The reason why we have so hard to imagine that thing. Is that we cannot make a 3D hole in the air. So we can say that the space is shorter near the gravitational center than it's somewhere else. And when we are thinking about black holes.
The diagram shows how energy affects to object. That is in a gravitational pothole. The black arrow is the energy.
The time is stopping near the event horizon. And behind it, it should travel backward. The event horizon is the point where escaping velocity rises to the speed of the light. Time is stopping at that speed because the object travels at the same speed as the wave movement. That means the object is riding with the wave movement. The wave denies that the wave movement cannot escape from the object.
And this means the time is fully dilated. The reason why the object that travels slower than the speed of light gets older. Is simply this: the wave that surrounds it leaks. Only the quantum wave that is strong enough can keep the wave movement inside the object. If the energy of that wave rises higher. That thing means the energy starts to travel to the object.
Time moves backward in the black hole. But the thing is that could that thing affect the object that goes through the event horizon? The speed of the object would be the same with the photons and wave movement that travels to the center of the black hole. So the object rides with the wave movement. And that means there is the possibility that when an object travels to the center of the black hole. That doesn't turn older.
Because of that is the wave movement cannot escape from the material. But if our object stops. The wave movement turns material younger. Or simply. That wave movement loads the energy to it.
So can we someday travel back in time? There is the possibility that we could make material younger by driving wave movement to it. But if we want to travel back in the time. That requires that time affects the space.
Is the source of dark energy and dark matter being in free quarks and gluons?
The thing is that the dark energy is suspected to be the radiation that comes straight from the quarks. And that dark energy is the thing that is ripping the universe in pieces. Sometimes there is suspicion that the free gluons are sending that radiation.
Or the source of dark energy is in the yet unknown particles. There is the possibility that some well-known particle has yet unknown form. And maybe somewhere in the space is the free gluons. When the proton and neutron are destroyed gluons are left. There might be not free gluons in the normal universe.
But there is the possibility that there is a place. There are no quarks. Or the distance between quarks and gluons is so high that are not forming protons and neutrons. That kind of area could be the empty bubble in the universe.
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