Monday, January 17, 2022

The Hawking paradox is closing to its end.


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The image above this text introduces that the source of so-called Hawking radiation would be annihilation. Between photon and antiphoton pair.

There are two ways that the particles can transmit information from inside the black hole. One version is that the particle itself is escaping from the black hole. And another is that the particles are dropping to the black hole as pairs. When those particles are coming to the event horizon that causes that the particles can superposition and be entangled. 

Then another part of those superpositioned and entangled particles will travel through the event horizon another part of the quantum entanglement can be outside the event horizon. Sometimes is claimed that another particle can be virtual. But it can also be real. There is the possibility that another particle would fly away from the event horizon. The idea is that energy travels outside the black hole in the quantum entanglement. And that energy load pushes another particle that can be real or virtual away. 

When people are saying that the black hole destroys information. The question is: where does that destruction happen? Does the event horizon destroy the information? Or does the whirl of high-energy plasma and photons the thing that destroys information? 

So that thing is not the same. The area near the event horizon is the point. There the photons are orbiting the black hole. And maybe extremely near the event horizon, the material turns to wave movement. So are the particles that come inside the black hole the source of the Hawking Radiation?

When we are talking about the information. We must remember the pixel effect. When we are talking about pixel effect and information we can use the newspaper as an example. We can throw the newspaper into the fire and it turns to ash. The ash contains the same material and information that was in the newspaper. But we cannot read that information from the ash. So the information is changed its form. 

That thing means that even the information can travel through something. It doesn't mean that the information would return to its original form. So even if some quarks can travel through black holes that doesn't mean that it's possible anything else than some elementary particles. 

The black holes can shed information. The information can travel out from the black hole. Black holes exist until they cannot pull material in. When the material flow to the black hole ends it starts to vaporize. When the size of the black hole turns small enough it explodes. 

And it will make that sooner or later. But if we think that the black holes are forming the wormholes between other black holes somebody might say that we are mad. But the fact is that the thing that makes black holes special is their ultimate density. The black holes or their event horizons are acting like elementary particles. 

And if the oscillation of two black holes has the same frequency that causes that they would superposition. So black holes can superposition and entangle themselves. And that effect forms the channel called a wormhole. 

The other thing that can make superposition between black holes is happening by the photons that are orbiting the event horizon. Those photons can make superposition and entanglement as well as they could make that thing in quantum computers. In that case, multiple small-diameter wormholes are connecting the halos of the black holes. 

So when we are thinking the case that there is a wormhole between the black holes. Could that thing cause the material can escape from another black hole? The question is what if wormholes would form only in the case where black holes are the same size? 

The fact is that. If there is some kind of energy load to the object or particle that is traveling in the wormhole. That thing can cause an effect. That the particle can escape from the black hole. But if the energy load is lower. That means the particle will remain in the black hole. And that thing means that the mass of the black hole should grow. If the mass of the black hole is not growing. That means that particles are slipping out from that monster. 

Can electromagnetic wormholes turn into real wormholes?

There are electromagnetic wormholes between the black holes. Those tunnels are the gamma and X-ray beams that are traveling in the universe. The outcoming radiation will pump energy to those radiation channels. But can the electromagnetic wormhole turn into a "real wormhole"? The fact is that the wormhole is the channel where are no internal crossing quantum fields. 

And the wave movement travels through that channel in one direction. That means the electromagnetic wormholes could turn the real wormholes if that wave movement (like X- or gamma-rays) is forming the quantum tornado around them. In that case. There is no way that outcoming radiation can straight affect particles. That travel inside that wormhole. 

When particles travel through wormholes. Outcoming radiation loads more energy on them. Why material does not get older while it travels in the wormhole? The reason for that is quite simple. That object travels at the same speed as photons and wave movement. 

That means the wave movement is not getting out from the object. The internal areas of the wormhole might seem isolated. But the wormholes are interacting with the universe. The electromagnetic or quantum fields around that energy bridge are pumping energy in it. So that energy is storing also in the particles. That is traveling in the energy channel. And that thing makes it possible that the particle can go out from the black hole where it travels in the wormhole.


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