Sunday, January 16, 2022

Can the universe itself be pixelated?

Image: ( search for signatures of quantum gravity forges ahead.)

"German physicist Werner Heisenberg deduced that space and time are pixelated into indivisible three-dimensional Planck Length, are we living in a pixelated universe? If we are, then what type of geometric code would describe a pixelated reality?" (

If we are thinking of the pixelated universe theory we can think that the entirety acts like the pixel camera image. We see the entirety, made by multiple pixels. Every single pixel is independent. But it's the part of the entirety called the universe. 

The thing is that we can look at things like quarks as independent things. But we can also see them as the part of the entirety called atoms or universe. And the thing that determines the entirety of what we see is the accuracy of what we are using. 

We can observe things like quarks and maybe someday we will know everything about those things. But the quarks are not themselves telling us anything about things like planets. The planets are forming of atoms that are forming of quarks. But getting information about the environment of the planets requires that we observe the entirety called the planet. The planet might give us a piece of very much information about itself. But can we scale that information for all other planets? 

The fact is that we can say that quarks are forming planets. and that thing can scale to the entire universe. 

The entire material formed of quarks.  Except for black holes. Or are we sure about that thing? About 85% of the material in the universe is invisible so the only reaction between dark and visible material is gravitation. And if we think that way we cannot be sure about the thing that forms the dark matter. When we increase accuracy we see details. If we decrease the accuracy we see entireties. But if we use too high accuracy. We would lose the entirety. 

That thing is seen in the graphical software. When we are increasing the accuracy too high that will pixelate the image. We see only pixels. But we cannot see the image. For making the image visible. We must decrease accuracy that we can see the entirety. 

And that is one of the most interesting things in cosmology. The quarks can observe as independent things. But the quarks can also observe as part of the entireties. 

The thing in pixelated universe theory is that. Every single particle is surrounded by its quantum field. This thing might seem very easy to understand but then we might remember the exclusion principle that there are not two similar fermions in the same quantum system. So that thing means that the superposition between two natural fermions in the same quantum system is not possible. 

The thing is what the pixelated universe theory means.  That is when we are increasing the accuracy in the system. We might get more and more fractals quantum pixels that are repeating themselves. So is the universe one great quantum system with multiple sub-quantum systems? 

The fact is that if we would travel far enough from the most out layer of the universe we might see the universe as one quantum entirety. So the quantum entirety will expand from the tiniest particles in the universe to the entirety called the universe. The thing is that there is the possibility that the universe is part of the larger quantum entirety where are other universes.

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