The use of DNA in nanostructures is a fascinating thing. The DNA is possible to use itself as the structure. Or the DNA can connect to the creatures like diatoms and make them create the wanted structures. There is maybe possible to use DNA as a chemical program code that is making the bacteria operate as the researchers want. The genome transfer makes it possible to connect fungus with diatoms.
And that thing makes it possible to make the structures that can use in nanotechnology. Nanotechnology is an amazing thing. Nanotechnology means machines that are smaller than a cell. But it is also the possibility to connect the genomes of the different species and make the new hybrid organisms.
The new fundamental thing in nanotechnology is the antenna that is made by benefiting the DNA. That antenna is a more capable tool than people ever imagine. That kind of nanotechnical antenna is giving the possibility to send control signals to nanomachines. And also nanomachines can benefit from that kind of system for receiving data from nanorobots. The nanomachines require two-way communication.
The control tool can interact with those robots easily. And the problem is that those robots are extremely small. Theoretically controlling the nanomachines is not more difficult than controlling normal robots. The control tool can use BlueTooth or WLAN systems for controlling robots which size is less than a millimeter.
The nanomachines can use in many things and they can destroy cancer cells, clean blood veins, and remove toxins from the body. The nanomachines can observe the function of neurons and the entire body. But as you see the nanomachines means a miniature machine that interacts with mechanic tools.
The rotifers and sun animals can use as biologically produced nanomachines.
And there are small animals in nature that are acting like nanomachines. Those small rotifers are slipping in the amoebas. Then they are starting to rotate. And that thing makes them destroy the cell organs from the amoeba. The thing that is making those small animals rotate is the electrochemical reaction.
There is possible to use rotifers themselves as nanomachines. The living part of that thing will be destroyed. And those chemicals that make those nanomachines rotate can be put on the core of those diatoms. The cores of sun animals and rotifers can equip with enzymes. That is aiming them to certain cells. There those small things can destroy the cell. DNA origami can also use to carry medicals in certain cells.
There are developed star-looking nanomachines that are meant to slip in cells and turn them into liquid. Those kinds of systems are extremely dangerous in the wrong hands. The effect of nanomachine is not chemical. That means the nanomachine would not wear off. And a single nanomachine can turn a human into a liquid.
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