Are anyons the key to axions the hypothetical particles that can solve at least part of the mystery of dark matter?
The idea of dark matter is that is like the imaginary version of the material. The thing is that the dark matter could be a higher or lower energetic version of the material. And the reason why we cannot see that material is that its elementary particles are a different size than the particles that we can see.
So theoretically, if we want to create dark matter we must "just" increase or decrease the energy level of the quarks. And that thing adjusts the size of the quantum field of those particles. That should turn material invisible because it reflects the wavelength that is away from the visible electromagnetic spectrum.
The anyons are 2D particles that might be key to the most interesting hypothetical particle in the world, the hypothetical axion. The 2D anyon particle is like the quantum field that is flattened because of some kind of impact by some other particle. The question is can any elementary particle smash to 2D form. And could that form be stable? The thing is that we are used to that everything in our 3D world being 3D.
And that means anyons are not belonging to our world. The anyon is like the quantum field that is forming around something. And could that "something" be the thing that makes quarks come together and form the protons and neutrons?
Tachyon visualization. (Wikipedia, Tachyons).
Could hypothetical axion be the particle that collects quarks around it? If that is true the axion forms material like protons and neutrons.
The idea is that the hypothetical axion particle would be the tunnel that the hypothetical tachyon (faster than light particle) is leaving behind when that hypothetical particle visits the 3D universe. The idea is this. Normally, theoretical axions would detonate immediately.
And send the radiation that is called dark energy. But if there are three quarks and the gluons are starting to travel between those quarks. That thing sends energy to the axion. But this thing cannot be proven until axions and tachyons are found.
Is dark matter- or the source of dark energy the tachyons that are "visiting" in the 3D universe? That thing can maybe someday be proven right or wrong.
And why that strange anyon-particle could be the key to axions? Can we say that the material can have minus or plus dimensions that we cannot see? The thing is that there is suspicion that axions are the key to dark matter as I wrote at the beginning of the text. But the thing is that axions might be even the greater thing. They might be the key to another hypothetical particle called tachyons. I am written many times about those hypothetical faster-than-light particles.
There is one little-known hypothesis about the tachyons. The idea is that sometimes the tachyon visits our universe. And that visit is the thing that is delivering the radiation that forms dark matter. The idea is in tachyon symmetry that should explain why no particle cannot cross the speed of light. The idea of tachyon symmetry is that when the particle is closing the speed of light it would pull the tachyon to it. The idea is that the tachyon creates superposition with that particle.
And then the energy starts to flow to the lower energetic particle. The thing is that the superstring or bridge that connects the practice to tachyon is the reason why particles from our dimension cannot cross that cosmic speed limit. When they are coming near the speed of light tachyon pushes particles back. The reason for that would be the wave movement behind the tachyon. If the speed of the particle of the 3D universe will start to slow very fast. That thing causes that tachyon will slip into the three-dimensional universe.
So the axion would be the energy tunnel that is forming when a hypothetical tachyon particle would slip into the 3D universe and then return its tachyon universe. In that case, the tachyon would form a small radiation pike that looks like bone. And then that thing can "vaporize" immediately. But there is possible. What if there is outcoming energy that axion could turn stable. So if we think like this the axions are the thing that is pulling quarks around them and the axions would turn stable if they get energy from gluons.
So could that thing be true? Proving that thing requires that the axions or tachyons would be proven. But the idea about axions as the base element of the material is fascinating. But as you see this writing is only the theoretical thinking about those things.
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