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Is human consciousness creating reality?

At the first, before we can answer that question, we must realize that human consciousness is the thing that handles reality. Consciousness is a thing that involves at least three components. The data that senses are inputting to the brains. The experiences that human has. And finally, the feelings, attitudes, and expectations form the combination of reality. What human observes. 

Brains and nerve tracks are preprocessing data before we realize it. And also the parasympathetic nervous system interacts with the sympathetic nervous system. The origin of the things like fear and other things is maybe coming from the parasympathetic nervous system. 

So the brains are modifying the signals that are coming to the nervous system. Before they reach the cortex. That means we all see reality differently. When we are seeing things like an old tower. We would have different ways to handle that thing. 

If we have some bad experiences with that tower. That thing makes us feel uncomfortable. The same way the child who has heard the story of the tower where is living some bad person would see that tower. That story causes the prediction that something is not right. The memories are forming in things that happened. But there could be components that have no connection with reality. 

The fake or falsified memories are an interesting thing. We might remember that we were things like flight captains even that thing was not true. We know that we are not pilots or even visited in the cockpit, but we are somehow sometimes seeing the cases that we are sitting at the captain's seat and controlling the plane. 

In the most incredible versions, we remember that we would be some kind of fighter aces of the Second World War. We are not even born during WWII and that thing is a good example of false memory. Somehow, our memories are creating a mixture with an imagination that we can imagine that kind of thing spontaneously. 

That means that we might repeat after and after that we made everything that we could but the fact can be that we were far away from that place. That self-suggestion is creating false memories or hallucinations for people. The thing is that if we are repeating the same mantra time after time, we start to believe that lie. 

The thing is that our consciousness has a connection with things like dreams. The dream world is not separated from our nervous system. And everything that happens in the daytime is causing reactions in dreams. Memory can store dreams accidentally. If the person is waking up suddenly there is the possibility that the memory is storing them. Normally, during sleep, the memory is switched off. But if the person is waking suddenly those dreams can turn into memories. 

The dream world is the thing that might seem to be separated from the daytime. Dreams are virtual reality. But the remarkable thing is that dreams are a reality for a person who sleeps. Brains cannot separate reality from dreams. And there are rumors about things like dream paralyzes that people are even died because of nightmares. 

Reality is the thing that is the reality for us. But that reality is not similar to other people. When we see things like elevators those things might mean no special thing to us. But for some other person, the same elevator can be the synonym for ultimate fear. The roots of phobias can be far away from the past. There might be some very traumatic experiences that are connected with a certain place. 

Reality is not only the thing that comes from the senses. The things like feelings and imagination are connected to memories. And memory is made by experiences. The reason why we have memory is simple. Its purpose is to help us survive in nature. When something happens that thing is stored in memory. The reason why we remember negative things. Is that we should afraid of those cases. 

Negative things like an encounter with dangerous snakes require a fast reaction.  And that thing causes that the first things that come to consciousness are negative. That thing means that bad memories have a disproportionate role in our memories. And, memories are the thing that has a vital role in feelings. Feelings are the thing that is coloring reality. 

But also things like our company with a society where we are living. Are causing that we are seeing reality with our style. And living environment causes our reality to be polarized. The thing is that every single person who we know is interacting with us. That interaction affects our way to see things. 

Then we must remember that the social behavior in different societies is different. There is also a code on how to react to prohibited actions. And that means our memories are connected with the punishments. 

What society gives about those prohibited things. If punishments are hard the reactions of those people are also hard. And also those hard-line punishments cause negative feelings about the things that are connected to those punishments. So the reality is the entirety. And how we feel that thing determines how we are dealing with that thing. And what the reality is? For people, the reality is a personal experience. That means there is no absolute reality. There is a group of things. That is causing different reactions in the brains of different people.



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