If we think that hypothetical tachyon could be the same thing as the hypothetical graviton. We might ask the induction question. Could the tachyon be the photon that is just faster than other photons? So the tachyon would be the three particles.
And there is one phenomenon that could explain why particles cannot reach the speed of light. If that thing is right. We can understand why gravitation is the weakest of all forces. The gravitational waves are giving a tip that the gravitation is the wave movement like the light. So are the photons that are traveling in the WARP bubbles. Also the tachyons and gravitons.
Could the electromagnetic or quantum vacuum be the thing that denies crossing the cosmic speed limit or the speed of the light?
When ultra-fast particles are traveling in the universe. They are acting like small bullets. When a bullet comes out from the gun there is a vacuum or lower pressure area behind that object. Same way when the ultra-fast particle travels in the universe there is a quantum vacuum behind that particle. In this text, an object means particle group. And the particle means the subatomic structure.
If there is a vacuum or lower pressure area in the space. That means the gas will start to travel to that area. Wave movement acts the same way. When a particle will push the quantum fields around there is a quantum vacuum behind it. And then the wave movement would start to travel to that quantum vacuum. That thing causes this quantum vacuum to start to suck particles in that direction.
When we are thinking phenomenon and material there is the quantum-version of almost every phenomenon that we know. The quantum version of the gas is the quantum field. Those fields are like cobwebs around the space.
When the fast object is traveling in the atmosphere there is a pressure cone around it. Also when the particle is traveling in space there is an electromagnetic cone around it. And that thing could explain why we haven't seen graviton or tachyon yet. The thing is that if the high-speed photon takes the superposition to the Higgs boson or quantum field there is a pike. That means the quantum cone cannot touch the particle.
Aging of the material means that material is turning to wave movement.
When a fast object travels in the atmosphere there is friction. That slows it. And also the friction is the thing that causes the warming of the object. So when the fast particle travels in space that particle goes through the quantum fields that cause the quantum friction.
The quantum friction is loading energy to the object or particle. And that thing is called time dilation. Normally the material is oscillating and sends photons or energy quanta. That thing causes the material is turning sooner or later to wave movement.
So the time dilation means that material would load with energy. And that slows the transformation process or aging process of the material. In the same way, we could dilate time in material simply by stressing it with energy.
And how the photon could be faster than other photons? And could those faster photons be the key to the particles like tachyon and gravitons?
If we are thinking that gravitation is the channel of the electromagnetic vacuum. We can solve or explain the mystery of gravitation. When two objects are taking interacting with each other that thing causes the gravitation effect between those objects. So there is the theory that the small particles are starting to travel between objects and there would be the space between them where lower quantum pressure.
So could the gravitational interaction form when some particles start to travel between objects?
There would be an electromagnetic vacuum behind those objects. And the series of those particles would cause the quantum fields between objects to be weaker.
When a photon travels in the quantum channel there is a weaker quantum field. That allows the photon to travel faster than other photons.
There is a theory. That negative energy causes crossing the speed of light to be impossible.
Term negative energy means the energy that travels to the object. So the thing why it will slow the speed of the particle is that it affects the particle from all directions.
That means the particle cannot cross the speed of light because the wave movement is pushing its back. And the origin of that wave movement was suspected of being a tachyon. That means. When the object will travel near the speed of light. It will take interact with the yet unseen particle. And that particle could be tachyon.
That could explain why small particles would be faster than large ones. The term tachyon symmetry means that the distance between the particle and hypothetical tachyon is the same as the wavelength of the wave movement between them. So that wave movement or superposition means that crossing the speed of light is impossible.
So the one version of the thing that can break that effect is the thing that the backside of the object will make cooler than other points of the object. That means that the energy travels only in one direction around the particle. And if the quantum field can push away from a particle. Or that wave movement can push away from the object. That causes that this thing cannot slow the speed.
Or the system should create a zero point object behind the particle or object. And it makes energy travel in only one direction. The problem is that that thing is that the thing that will push particles back affects quarks. That thing means. That the zero-point energy point must make behind the quark lines. That requires the quark-level nanomaterial or quantum material.
One version to make a bullet travel faster is to shoot that thing through a vacuum. In the quantum world, the name of the vacuum could be the WARP bubble. The WARP bubble is the bubble-shaped wormhole.
The other and simpler way is to remove electromagnetic fields around the object. And then that thing makes the light travel in that bubble faster than other places in the universe. That bubble is called the WARP bubble. The term WARP bubble means the bubble where are no electromagnetic or quantum fields. And we could call the WARP bubble the extremely short wormhole.
So the low pressure of the quantum fields causes the quantum fields outside that system are starting to push the objects together.
So the low pressure of the quantum fields causes the quantum fields outside that system are starting to push the objects together. That thing could explain why the gravitation is the weakest of all fundamental interactions.
Or otherwise said, quantum fields are weaker between those objects. Then the particle flow starts to travel between those objects. There is a quantum vacuum behind every each of those particles. And that thing causes the objects are starting to travel to each other. So series of particles are traveling between objects. They are forming the quantum tunnel between them. And then the outcoming quantum fields are starting to push objects together.
And if there are no sideways coming quantum fields that thing means that the photon and all particles are traveling at the same speed. And that thing is the idea of the wormholes. Then somebody asks why objects are not aging in the wormholes that are the electromagnetic vacuum channels? The reason is that the object rides with its wave movement. When the speed of the object and the wave movement is the same. The wave movement cannot separate from its layer.
So how we can make the thing that crosses the speed of light? If we are thinking of the bullet. There is the possibility. Increasing the speed and effective range of the bullet is easy. By making a channel through the bullet that decreases the friction. But that channel also denies the forming of the vacuum behind that object.
Theoretically, we could increase the speed of the particle by making a hole in it. But practically there is extremely difficult to make the holes to electrons. That thing should deny the forming of the electromagnetic vacuum behind that thing.
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