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When meaningless turns to remarkable

We all see things that mean nothing. If we will not react to that thing. One of the examples is the snowman. Children made that for fun. That is a so-called childish thing. 

Nobody should care about that kind of snowman. That is far away from the road. But if somebody breaks that snowman that action means that the snowman means something to that person. 

And it should not disturb anybody. But when somebody kicks the snowman that thing turns remarkable. Why that person breaks the snow statue what should not mean anything? Somebody might ask the reason for the kick. If an adult person breaks snowman. That thing means something to that person. 

The thing is that if some person causes the massive wave of trolls on the Internet. That person means something to somebody. One of the worst mistakes in social behavior is to offer money. Offering money means that there is something that means to the person who is making an offer. 

Money or great publicity means that somebody has something important to connect to those things. The publicity and very good offers are the things. That is one of the best ways to make something interesting in the researcher's eyes. 

In the cases that, some organizations offer gift cards for a member. Who brings new customers or members that thing brings a certain type of things about that organization. The thing that it might show is the desperate need to get new members or customers. 

If somebody is starting to bully some other person on the internet that means there is something important in that person who is the target for trollers. Does somebody know too much about things that wanted to be away from publicity? Why do some people want to smoke other people out of their school? This kind of thing can cause the reputation of a cheater to be gone. 

But if we think that person comes to the school. And isolation starts in the first minute. That thing is remarkable. 

Nobody starts to hate others in one minute. So there is somebody who shows the person who should stay away from the nucleus of the gang. And what might be the reason for that? When we are thinking that the other people are following that isolator we might ask, what is the gift for that thing? Is there some kind of price for the isolation? What is the reason why somebody offers a price for keeping some person out of the gang?

Is there some kind of doping training for sportsmen? Or does somebody hunt for endangered animals? Or did somebody just flow the motor oil of some museum car to the rivers? Or is the reason for bullying that some famous rock musician has stolen the bites from other musicians? The thing that somebody is bullying others or offers money for putting somebody silent means that there is something to hide. 

In mafia cases, murder is the thing that turns theories real. That means that the violence causes authorities to start to be interested in some kind of business. When somebody has murdered the question that can uncover suspects to investigators is a reason why somebody made murder? When people are investigating crimes they should ask why somebody made the crime?

The question of the reason for the crime. Is the same way important as the question of who made the case? If we think of the most famous or the most mysterious vanishing cases. We should ask, what makes those cases so mysterious? When we are thinking about the list that is published in Finnish media we can ask what made those cases so remarkable? 

If somebody sits in the rowboat in the middle of the Pacific and tries to travel from Hong Kong to San Francisco less probable is that the person would arrive in San Francisco than vanishing in the middle of the Pacific. So is the reason for selection that the person made that mad attempt? 

Another thing is the vanish of Heinrich "Gestapo-Müller" Müller. He was the chief of Nazi Germany's secret police Gestapo. There is the possibility that this man moved to South America, but he could move as well to Sweden. Or maybe that man exploded to atoms in the Soviet or Western Allied bombardments and cannon fire at the end of the war. Why that theory has ever been noticed? There is the possibility that some vanished war criminals got direct hit by Soviet shells during the Battle of Berlin. The link for that article is here: (Article is in Finnish)Historian mystisimmät ja mielenkiintoisimmat katoamistapaukset ( There is also a link to that article below this text. 

 One of the cases where double-murder turns legend alive is the case where two reporters were killed when they investigated nazi gold. Before those murders, the stories of the nazi gold that sunken in lakes were only theories. But when those reporters were found dead the theory turns to a criminal investigation. 

Even in the most extreme cases. When somebody physically hurts or kills another person. There is always some kind of reason for that action. The punishments for that kind of action are very hard. There is always something that makes the person with violent nature select victims. But why did that person take the risk? What is the thing that causes the need to take violent actions against other people? If the police catch that kind of person. That thing means very long imprisonment.


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