Sunday, January 16, 2022

The non-random DNA sequence is telling about eugenics.

Natural selection is the thing that is the key element in evolution. The idea is that the DNA sequences are transforming randomly. But when we are going back to the story of evolution. We must understand that also the environment is aiming for the mutations of the DNA. If the environment is black that thing benefits the black species and dark forms of the things like insects. 

If the insects are dark and the environment is bright that makes the insect a good target for predators. The thing can go so far that all dark insects are eaten. And only remaining things are insects that have a blond pigment. If there is no place to hide. That thing removes the entire dark genome from the environment. 

But things like the Olympic games in ancient Greece had a purpose. That purpose was to select the most capable individuals for the service of the kings. And of course. Most cable women were meant for the spouses of the most capable men in society. 

The non-random DNA sequences are against the evolutional principle. But they are proving the thing called eugenics. When we are thinking about inheritance. Even the ancient Greeks might notice that the children of good warriors and good sportsmen would be also good warriors and good sportsmen. Eugenics or breeding the race is the thing that is the well-known thing in history. In so-called pure-line breeding, the creatures. Like horses will be put to make descendants with their siblings. And that will highlight certain attributes of those creatures. 

In that process will create two pure lines of genetic material. So if we want to make black tulips we must make the genetic line where are only blue tulips. Then we can pollinate that line only by using blue tulips. That thing will highlight the blue color. Until the result is the black tulip. 

Pure line genetic engineering means. That researchers are choosing the feature that they want to highlight. 

But when we are thinking about people who lived before ancient Greeks those people must know some kind of eugenics. The thing is that the natural selection and environment caused the cavemen and cavewomen to choose their spouses by highlighting their ability to survive and get nutrients. Maybe the respect for the old people is coming from the age before the first cities. 

Old age meant that the person can survive. In the conditions of the ice age. And if the people would get children with those old people they would get the same abilities as those old people. Maybe the thing that the people who were handy and effective hunters got children who were also handy and effective hunters noticed accidentally. But those skills like the skill to make good arrows and axes guaranteed that the person would live a long and good life. 

When we are talking about creationism we should determine that word. Creating the person might mean that somebody has controlled the bloodline. And search the spouses who also were capable. But creating somebody might simply mean that some person would teach some skills to a younger person. People like Samurai or other warriors had the phrase. That their trainer or educator created them. Those trainers are the people who gave them skills to their students.


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