The heavy and hot stars are playing a vital role in forming heavy elements. Massive and hot stars are forming the heaviest elements in the universe. Those blue stars have enough mass and energy for making fusion reactions. That thing makes it possible forming of heavy elements. The life cycle of those very bright stars is very short. But they are forming important elements for planets.
If there are lots of heavy elements in stars. That can mean that the elements would not return to the universe when stars end their life. The heaviest elements drop in the nucleus of those stars.
And, during the supernova explosion, the particles in the nucleus of the star are turning into neutrons or they will fall to the black hole. So if that thing happens there is no way to return those particles. And that means those particles are gone forever. The data that is collected from stars can use in fusion research.
The artificial sun of China is making a record for fusion power.
The artificial sun of China is making a record for fusion power. The fusion reaction continued for 17 minutes. And during that period the fusion reactor created 126 million kelvin degrees temperature. That temperature is five times hotter than the sun China's Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST) is the donut-shaped tokamak reactor. That is one of the most usual fusion reactor concepts.
The artificial sun is a good example of innovation for China. That thing makes another mark in history. But the thing is that the fusion reactor has more capacity than people even imagine. That kind of system can give electricity to the entire continent.
And the thing is that if China would have an operating fusion reactor. That is making central government more powerful than ever before. if the central government of China has only one fusion reactor. And there are no other power plants that allow the central government controls the entire power supply in the country.
There is also another vision of the fusion reactors. And especially the portable systems. The term "portable fusion system" could mean that the fusion reactor is in the mega-ship. That system needs extremely powerful coolers but it has extremely powerful power output.
Fusion reactor-based power supply can use to give wireless energy support for the entire naval unit. The system can give radio-maser-based energy supply for ships, warships. submarines and aircraft. One of the most interesting innovations in aviation is the plasma engine.
Also, another interesting thing is the MHD drive (Magneto-Hydrodynamic Drive) that can use in surface warships and submarines. The MHD system is the particle accelerator that drives ions through the tube. Similar way plasma jet engine will drive the high-energetic plasma through the acceleration channel. Those systems are ready, but they need a power source.
The outsourced fusion reactor will also make it possible to transmit power to directed energy weapons. And if the system would not have an internal power source they cannot rebel. Those kinds of visions are extremely futuristic.
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