Monday, January 3, 2022

The counter-wave systems can be the next-generation stealth systems.


 The counter-wave systems can be the next-generation stealth systems. 

Nano-chocolate might be the key to an invisibility cloak. The idea of the invisibility cloak is that the counter radiation waves which have the same power as impacting radiation would deny the echo of the radiation. The idea is that two impacting wave movements of radiation would suppress each other. The problem is making the object invisible to the human eye. Is that every single wavelength of radiation must turn separately. 

The quantum annealing-based systems can also use to suppress visible light. And those systems can use to make large areas invisible. 

And the counter radiation that suppresses the wave movement must have the same power. The thing is that there are multiple versions of theoretical systems that can turn the object invisible for radar, infrared, and even for the human eye. One of those things is so-called invisibility powder. The idea is that the quantum dust is making the counterwaves by using quantum annealing. 

That kind of counter-wave system can use to deny the missiles to use their radars for targeting themselves. If the large areas can be made invisible. And if researchers can deny radar echoes. That thing makes it impossible to use radars for targeting the warheads. 

Also, the counter-measure system can deny using radars the detonate the warheads. And the detonation would happen in those cases by using the pressure or barometric launcher that is not so accurate. 

Acoustic counter-wave systems or counter noise systems might already be in use. And they can use to make submarines and aircraft unable to notice because of their noise. 

Those acoustic counter-wave systems can install in the masts of the quadcopters. They can use to make the sound wall between aircraft or helicopters. That kind of counter-sound system can also use to make airfields noiseless for people. And the same system can use to suppress the sounds of rock concerts.  

The acoustic counterwave systems can turn the flight or traffic noise out from the areas. And the same systems can also deny locating submarines by using sonar systems. 

The wave movement suppression will happen by using counter waves. The base of those systems is in acoustic counter-noise or counter-wave systems that are removing the background noise. Those systems can use to make submarines or surface units invisible to sonars. Also, the acoustic counter waves can deny the psychological operations. That means the counter waves or counter sound are used to suppress the use of things like loudspeakers and LRAD-systems.


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