Monday, January 3, 2022

Einstein's Theory of General Relativity passes the range of the precise test.


 Einstein's Theory of General Relativity passes the range of the precise test. 

Image 1) "Researchers have conducted a 16-year long experiment to challenge Einstein’s theory of general relativity. The international team looked to the stars — a pair of extreme stars called pulsars to be precise – through seven radio telescopes across the globe. Credit: Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy" (ScitechDaily/Einstein Proven Right Yet Again: Theory of General Relativity Passes a Range of Precise Tests)


"More than 100 years after Albert Einstein presented his theory of gravity, scientists around the world continue their efforts to find flaws in general relativity. The observation of any deviation from General Relativity would constitute a major discovery that would open a window on new physics beyond our current theoretical understanding of the Universe." (ScitechDaily, Einstein Proven Right Yet Again: Theory of General Relativity Passes a Range of Precise Tests)


What kind of calculator did Einstein use?

Einstein's Theory of General Relativity passes critical tests.

This is a remarkable thing in history. Einstein's Theory of General Relativity passes critical tests. And if that theory is true. The curvature of spacetime is also true. The fact is that this theory is full of mysteries. And the mystery is how Albert Einstein made his calculations? Those calculations stand even they are tested by using quantum computers. 

And sometimes people have asked, "did Einstein use quantum computers"? Those calculations are so brilliant, there are no errors found in the Theory of Special Relativity from the year 1905. Or there are no errors in the Theory of General Relativity from the year 1915 during critical tests. So the thing that makes those theories impressive is that they are made in time before digital computers. 

When we are thinking about the calculator that Einstein used. We might imagine that tool has some kind of connection with Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777-1855) and his student Bernhard Riemann (1826-1866). That information is mentioned in Finnish Wikipedia. There Riemann is mentioned as one of Gauss's students. 

Those men worked with prime numbers. And they spent a lot of time calculating those numbers. It is suspicious that Riemann got his idea for creating Riemann's conjecture or Riemann hypothesis from Gauss. The problem is that only digital computers require prime numbers for creating secrecy algorithms. So did those men have some kind of electronic computer? 

The question is that the mathematical Gauss spent many hours each day calculating prime numbers. And what was the reason for that? Where are those numbers needed? The fact is that Gauss was the man of curves. He is well-known for his work with probability calculations and the Gauss curve is named after him. 

So was his work touch with some secrecy algorithms? Or did he work with sacred geometry? There is theoretically possible to make the curve in the antenna that can resonate with dark energy. The thing is that there are theories that the "sacred geometry" is created for making antenna that can receive "cosmic energy" that is the radio waves or dark energy which is called "dark-wave movement". In the lifetime of Gauss, even radio waves were dark energy.

(Finnish Wikipedia page, where Riemann has mentioned as the student for Prof. Gauss.

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