Saturday, January 15, 2022

The quantum tornadoes and quantum computers (Quantum tornadoes Part II)

The quantum tornadoes have a similar effect in the quantum world like a sonic whirl. That thing denies that the outcoming wave movement can affect particles like electrons that are traveling in it. 

The atom-size quantum tornadoes can use to turn the laser rays to screw. And that thing makes new possibilities for creating new quantum tools. The laser ray would shoot through the electromagnetic tornado. And that will affect the direction of the light. The electromagnetic tornado can use to create the laser ray that acts like an archimedean screw. Or it can use to make hollow laser rays. The hollow laser rays make it possible to shoot qubits through that quantum channel. 

But there could be possible usage. Also for the quantum tornado itself. It can use to cut molecules very accurately. And that thing can make the new visions for nanotechnology. The problem with nanotechnology is that the molecules must cut precisely at the right point. And the quantum tornado can be a useful tool for that thing. 

The quantum tornado acts like a tornado in our size world. When the electromagnetic whirl is forming around ions and atoms in the electromagnetic wave movement. That whirl affects the wave movement the same way as whirls are affecting air molecules. 

So the whirl is forming the channel in the wave movement. That channel minimizes the outcoming effect of the radiation. When the laser ray and qubit are sent inside that channel. That thing minimizes the effect of the outcoming radiation. 

The ion that rotates in a nanotube can use for creating stable quantum tornadoes. 

The problem with quantum tornadoes is that they are not very long-term phenomena. There is the possibility to make the superposition through the quantum tornado. In that vision, the quantum tornado protects the channel. That is formed between superpositioned and entangled particles. 

In that case, the quantum tornado is making it possible to protect information. That travels through that quantum entanglement. But as I wrote the quantum tornado is hard to stabilize. The electromagnetic whirl is forming around a rotating atom. Which temperature is near zero kelvin. 

There is the possibility to make the so-called stable quantum tornado by hovering the ion in the chamber or nanotube. The ion will stress by using radio-maser or coherent radio waves. Then that ion is put to rotate in the micro- or radio wave field that is shot through that nanotube. That thing makes it possible to create the long-term quantum tornado. 

If the slow qubit is shot in the quantum channel without a laser carrier. That thing makes the conditions that the energy is starting to flow out from the qubit very fast. So denying the outcoming radiation effect that thing increases the accuracy of the qubit. When the point of delivering energy or information of the qubit can determine very accurately. That gives more power to quantum systems. 

But that thing makes it possible to give more accurate radiation therapy than ever before. The electrons can shoot through the quantum tornadoes to the targeted cells. Then the system cuts the carrier radiation. And those electrons are starting to move the energy precisely to the target point.

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