Sunday, January 9, 2022

What was the ultimate beginning of the universe?


The most common theory for the beginning of the universe is the so-called Big Bang theory. That theory explains the birth of the universe as the Big Bang. The universe is the entirety, where the entire material and energy that we know exists. 

There is suspicion about the past universes or multiverse. But today we have confirmed the existence of only one universe. The thing is that there should be other universes outside our universe because there is the possibility that there are other Big Bangs. 

Those other universes can be dark matter. That means we cannot see those dark universes. The real fact is that nobody has seen other universes yet. 

There energy and material are released to space and time. But where do that energy and material come from? Was the source of that material be the other universe? If the Big Bang was some kind of white hole. That means there must be a source of that material somewhere. 

In some theories, the Big Bang was erupting black hole. The question in the Big Bang theory is that. Where does that released material come from? Material cannot form from nothingness. The same way the wave movement must have a source somewhere. 

Could that black hole form of dark matter? And if that thing is true. The dark matter would release into time and space at different times when the material is released. 

The first thing that was released in the Big Bang was energy. The wave movement. That turned quarks and electrons. So maybe the beginning of the universe should be the moment when the first photon came to space. When we are thinking about the young universe the time moved slower in that quantum mush. The universe's age is predicted to be something like 13 billion years. 

What formed the black hole that detonated when the energy started to travel from it to zero energy space? Was the Big Bang some kind of white hole? The problem with this theory is the origin of that black hole. In some other ideas, there was wave movement. Before the universe started to form. Then that wave movement faced another wave movement that crossed the track of the first wave movement. 

Then the crossing wave movement wrinkled to elementary particles. And that thing caused the form of material. So the source of that crossing wave movement could be in the black hole. Sir Roger Penrose has introduced that the material in our universe formed in the past universe. 

So if we think like that. The ultimate fate of that universe was the Big Crunch. And when the entire material dropped in the black hole. That thing caused the eruption of that black hole. The past universe and multiverse would easily explain the Big Bang. 

The source of crossing wave movement would locate in another universe. The thing that makes this kind of thing problematic is that the wave movement and material cannot form from nothingness. So there must be some kind of source that sent the wave movement. Or the material of the black hole must locate somewhere. 

But there is no evidence about those things. In a very young universe, the energy level of particles was so high that the elementary particles should repel each other. At the first, the oscillation of quarks must get weaker that they can form protons and neutrons. And after that, the form of molecules must begin. So the universe must get cooler than the oscillation of the atoms would make it possible to form molecules. And of course, the elements must be formed inside the stars. There must be other elements than hydrogen for forming things like planets. 


"The Phoenix universe theory".

The "Phoenix universe" means the closed or spheric universe that ends its life in the Big Crunch. And when all material is dropped in the black hole. That thing makes the Big Bang possible. The black hole starts to erupt in absolute emptiness and forms the new universe. 

That new universe could be far different than the past universe was. The size or energy level in that new universe could be different. But otherwise, if the entire energy and material are traveling through that hypothetical black hole. That new universe could be similar to the last one. 

That means the reborn universe can be antimatter to its ancestor. And there is also the possibility that the new universe is dark to its ancestor. But the idea is that the universe would reborn again and again. But for proving that theory there is needed to determine the geometrical form of the universe. That Phoenix universe theory requires that the universe is spherical. And if the universe is spherical. The ultimate fate of the universe will be the Big Crunch. 

The rebirth of the universe is an inevitable phenomenon. In this case, the black hole falls into a complete vacuum because it pulls the entire material of the universe inside it. When the black hole is in the complete vacuum. It will begin to erupt, causing a new Big Bang.


Can the fall of the Higgs Boson destroy the entire universe?

The idea of that hypothesis is that when the Higgs Boson falls no quantum field can fill that hole. So the energy level of the material would turn lower. That causes that the quantum fields around atoms would turn weaker. That thing causes that the material would start to unload. 

The fact is that even if the size of the quarks will turn higher there is a possibility that the form of the material turns to "Higgs material". The size of the quarks of the hypothetical Higgs material. Could be different than the size quarks of the present material.

And that should make it invisible to us. But if the Higgs Boson causes energy flow that turns material to "Higgs material" that happens inside the universe and affects everything inside the universe. 

There is a possibility that we would not recognize anything. The reason for that is we are all. And the material around us turns to Higgs material. So there is the possibility that we are turned to Higgs material many times. But this is the hypothesis. 


What is the ultimate fate of the universe?

What is the end of the universe? Or does the universe have some kind of end at all? The thing is that the ultimate fate of the universe. Is always the end of material in the form as we know it. The big Crunch or the Big silence means that the material and the wave movement which source is the material is turning straight. The thing is that the wave movement would still exist in the form of superstrings that are waiting for impacting together. 

The black hole crunches material in the case. That the Big Crunch is the ultimate fate of the universe. But in the case of the Big Crunch, there is the possibility that all wave movement would not drop to a black hole until it detonates. So some part of the information could travel froward of the shock wave. That is called the edge of the universe. But that thing requires that the universe would be infinity what reborn and then drops black to black hole again and again.

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